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7 Viral Photos of Lita Hendratno, Former Miss Indonesia Participant - Now a Simple Housewife

7 Viral Photos of Lita Hendratno, Former Miss Indonesia Participant - Now a Simple Housewife Lita Hendratno (credit: - Lita Hendratno, a participant in Miss Indonesia 2018, has become the center of attention after her video went viral showing her taking her child to play on a carnival ride. Some netizens then compared her past and present appearance after she chose to become a housewife.

Having participated in the national beauty pageant in 2018, the latest news about Lita Hendratno has once again caught people's attention. This is because her profession is said to be the opposite of her past career. The beautiful woman who now wears a hijab is seen focusing on taking care of her beloved family.

Curious about her current photos and news? Check it out here, KLovers.






1. Participant of Miss Indonesia 2018

Lita Hendratno was once known as one of the participants in the Miss Indonesia 2018 beauty pageant. She represented her hometown of Southeast Sulawesi. For your information, Lita Hendratno comes from Kendari. When she participated in the event, Lita was 22 years old. This is a rare portrait of Lita Hendratno.






2. Achieving Several Accomplishments

Although she did not win the Miss Indonesia 2018 pageant, Lita Hendratno managed to achieve several accomplishments. She also appeared in several national TV shows. She even became the flag bearer at the 73rd Indonesian Independence Day celebration and represented Indonesia at the Asia Youth International Model United Nations.






3. Now a Housewife

In early 2020, Lita Hendratno decided to get married. After getting married, Lita focused on her role as a wife and mother. It's no wonder that Lita Hendratno is now rarely seen on television. Although she has received criticism from netizens about her current profession, Lita Hendratno doesn't seem to care about their opinions. She considers being a housewife a noble profession.

"Now my position is appointed directly by Allah, and the salary is blessings and rewards. Even the strongest man cannot do what a mother can do," wrote Lita Hendratno in the caption of @litahendratno_.






4. Blessed with Two Children

From her marriage, Lita Hendratno was blessed with two children. Her first child was born at the end of 2020, while last year she was just blessed with her second child. Having two young children, Lita Hendratno acknowledges the greatness of a homemaker mother who takes care of her children exceptionally well.

"I am proud of all mothers in this world, being a mother is an amazing feeling. Even though I am tired, I can still lie down and smile while looking at my children," said Lita Hendratno in her caption @litahendratno_.






5. Active on Social Media

Although she rarely appears on television, Lita Hendratno is still active in sharing her activities through her social media account. This beautiful woman from Kendari often creates interesting videos like a content creator. She also shares her daily life as a homemaker mother and other fun activities with her family.






6. Simple Appearance

Lita Hendratno's appearance is now also being spotlighted by netizens. This is because Lita Hendratno has decided to wear a hijab. In her daily life as a homemaker mother, Lita Hendratno's appearance looks simple by wearing home clothes such as a house dress. This is a portrait of Lita Hendratno while taking care of her beloved child.






7. Once Viral When Taking Children to Play Odong-Odong

Lita Hendratno's name was once again discussed after a viral video showed her taking her child to play odong-odong. Her simple appearance wearing a daster immediately caught the attention of netizens. Considering that she was once known as one of the participants in Miss Indonesia 2018 who was stylish to the max. As information, Lita Hendratno also has her own business.

That is the portrait of Lita Hendratno, a participant in Miss Indonesia 2018 who went viral on social media. What do you think KLovers?







Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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