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Handsome Hollywood Actor Adrian Grenier Goes Viral After Cleaning Up Trash on Bali Beach

Handsome Hollywood Actor Adrian Grenier Goes Viral After Cleaning Up Trash on Bali Beach Adrian Grenier © - Recently, Adrian Grenier's name went viral due to his latest post on Instagram. The star of the series ENTOURAGE uploaded a picture of himself enjoying an exotic vacation in Bali.

Not just having fun on his vacation, the handsome actor, who is also known as an environmental activist, also took the time to clean up trash on the Bali beach. Wanting to spread this positive message, Adrian Grenier shared a series of photos of him collecting trash, including bags of it.

1. More than 10 Trash Bags

Just look at the actual appearance in the photo above. There are at least more than 10 trash bags that Adrian Grenier and some friends and local residents managed to collect in the Uluwatu Bali area.

In another photo, it can also be seen the moment when Adrian lifted several piles of branches, seaweed, and tangled ropes. He tried to organize everything to make it neater and easier when they are moved and thrown away to the trash.

2. Adrian's Message

Through that post, Adrian conveyed the message of how important it is to maintain cleanliness, especially on the beach. "There are so many plastics brought by one person from the beach! Trying to separate all the fishing lines and tangled ropes among the seaweed. Cleaning the beach is a great community effort but we need to fix the problem from its source, manufacturing and consumption levels," Adrian wrote.

Not only stopping there, Adrian also urged us to reduce plastic waste such as the use of straws, water bottles, toothbrushes, and deodorants made from plastic packaging. Isn't that cool?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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