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Kylie Jenner Caught Walking with Travis Scott, Seen Close & Happy with Stormi Webster

Kylie Jenner Caught Walking with Travis Scott, Seen Close & Happy with Stormi Webster Travis Scott - Kylie Jenner © Splashnews - TPG Images - The romantic relationship between Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott has indeed ended for a long time. However, until now they still maintain communication and regularly meet for the happiness of their little daughter, Stormi Webster.

Setting aside their personal ego, Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott strive to be the best parents for Stormi Webster. It's no wonder that this time they decided to go for a walk and have fun together.

1. Invite Stormi for a Walk

That's the scenery captured by paparazzi cameras when they appeared in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles on Saturday (22/2) ago. Accompanied by their bodyguard, they looked close and happy together.

Wearing matching black outfits, the tattooed rapper was seen carrying Stormi. During the journey, he seemed to be casually chatting with his ex.

2. Buying Ice Cream for Stormi

After having fun in the trampoline area, Kylie and Travis stopped by an ice cream vendor. Wanting to spoil little Stormi, they looked like a happy family, a married couple enjoying a relaxing vacation with their daughter.

For those curious about what their togetherness looked like at that time, you can check out the photos HERE!


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