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Visit to Farm, Kate Middleton Looks Different with Skinny Jeans & Boots

Visit to Farm, Kate Middleton Looks Different with Skinny Jeans & Boots Kate Middleton @ TPG Images - Until now, Kate Middleton has often been highlighted for her high-class fashion taste. As a member of the British Royal Family, the wife of Prince William is required to dress according to the rules set by Queen Elizabeth II.

Always elegant yet simple is always the key to every Kate Middleton's appearance. Among the many outfits, a combination of bright-colored midi dresses and high heels has always been her favorite.

But now, one of the paparazzi cameras captured her latest appearance wearing skinny jeans. As it turns out, the Duchess of Cambridge had just visited a farm in Belfast on Wednesday (12/2) yesterday.

1. Wear Skinny Jeans & Boots

Just look at Kate Middleton's appearance in the photo above. This 38-year-old woman seems to combine a khaki jacket with black skinny jeans and an old collection of boots that she often wears on several occasions.

For the inner, she appears to be wearing a light blue turtleneck sweater. Welcomed warmly by many people at the farm, Kate waves her hand friendly.

2. Natural Makeup

Leaving her hair loose with loose waves, Kate appears with natural makeup as usual. Bronze eyeshadow, rosy cheeks, and a touch of nude lipstick become the Duchess's favorite go-to makeup look.

At the event, Kate chatted and joked with some children while giving milk bottles to the sheep there. Well, what do you think of Kate's appearance this time?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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