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8 Recommendations for Films and Series Starring Refal Hady, Number 5 Will Air in July 2023

8 Recommendations for Films and Series Starring Refal Hady, Number 5 Will Air in July 2023 Recommendations for films and series starring Refal Hady/credit photo: - Refal Hady, a handsome actor of Arab Dutch descent who has become more popular since starring in the film Wedding Agreement which aired in 2019. At that time, he successfully portrayed the main character named Mas Bian.

Before starring in the series, it is known that he also played the same character in the film. And not only starring in the Wedding Agreement series and film, Refal Hady has also successfully starred in many other films that are just as cool.

Starting from the film Antalogi Rasa, A Perfect Fit, to the newest film titled Ketika Berhenti di Sini which is planned to air on July 27, 2023 where he will act alongside Bryan Domani and Prilly Latuconsina. Next, without further ado, here are 8 recommendations for films and series starring Refal Hady.

1. Wedding Agreement (2019)

One of the films that successfully propelled Refal Hady's name, Wedding Agreement is based on a novel of the same title by Eria Chuzaimiah alias Mia Chuz. The film tells the story of Bian, played by Refal Hady, who is willing to be arranged to marry Tari, played by Indah Permatasari, in order to make his mother happy. Actually, Bian does not love Tari at all because he already has a girlfriend named Sarah, played by Aghniny Haque. Then, with great effort, Tari tries to maintain her household and win Bian's heart from Sarah.

2. Orang Kaya Baru (2019)

Highly recommended for family comedy film lovers! The film titled Orang Kaya Baru tells the story of a father (Lukman Sardi) and mother (Cut Mini) who have three children named Duta (Derby Romero), Tika (Raline Shah), and Dodi (Fatih Unru). The family's economic situation is quite mediocre, but they love each other. However, things change after the father is suddenly found dead. And in fact, it turns out that all this time he has been hiding a lot of wealth so that his family can live modestly. Meanwhile, in this film, Refal Hady plays Bayu, who is told as a man who has a crush on Tika.


3. Antologi Rasa (2019)

Adapted from the novel of the same title by Ika Natassa, this movie tells the story of the friendship of four bankers named Keara (Carissa Perusset), Harris (Herjunot Ali), Ruly (Refal Hady), and Denise (Atikah Suhaime). Keara, who is free-spirited, falls in love with Ruly, who is pious and kind-hearted. However, she knows that Ruly's love is only for Denise, who is already married. On the other hand, Harris has had feelings for Keara since they first met, making their love story a complicated and complex quadrangle.


4. A Perfect Fit (2021)

A romantic film titled A Perfect Fit tells the story of a fashion designer named Saski (Nadya Arina) who meets a shoe businessman named Rio (Refal Hady). Rio's character, who is loving and never gives up, makes Saski secretly fall in love with him. This also makes Saski dilemma with her wedding plans with Deni, played by Girogino Abraham, who is a nobleman's son.


5. Langit Kala Senja (2021)

The movie tells the story of Langit (Refal Hady), who secretly harbors feelings of love for his stepsister named Senja (Mikha Tambayong). It is told that Langit, who works as a novelist, often sends manuscripts to the publishing office where Senja works as an editor. On the other hand, the publisher's boss named Kala, played by Omar Daniel, also loves Senja and tries to get closer to her through Langit.


6. Galih and Ratna (2017)

It is known that Refal Hady began his career as an actor through a film titled Galih and Ratna. The film itself is a teenage drama film from Indonesia directed by Lucky Kuswandi, which is a loose adaptation of the film Gita Cinta dari SMA made in 1979, which starred Rano Karno and Yessy Gusman who also starred in this film. In this film, Refal Hady played the role of Galih, a teenage boy who is still in high school. He is an introverted boy who always prioritizes his education according to his mother's wishes as a single mother. Mirna, Galih's mother, does not want Galih to fail like his father who died because he was disappointed that he could not revive his cassette store named Nada Musik and eventually went bankrupt due to competition with the digital world. In order to remember his deceased father, Galih always carries a walkman containing a mixtape given by his father, and the songs in the walkman inspire Galih to pursue his dreams. One day, Galih meets Ratna, played by Sheryl Sheinafia. Ratna is a girl who has some problems in her family like Galih. Ratna is a new student at Galih's high school. She is a teenager whose life is aimless, but actually Ratna likes to write songs. However, because Ratna does not receive support and approval from her father, she is reluctant to use her talent seriously. One afternoon, Galih and Ratna meet in the back field of the school. The relationship between them begins to develop when they exchange stories about their lives. The differences between them make them push each other to pursue their passions, even though on the other hand, the differences between Galih and Ratna make their relationship fall apart.

7. Difficult Signal (2017)

This film, directed by Ernest Prakasa and released on December 21, 2017, tells the story of a teenager named Kiara who has a hobby of creating internet content and eventually breaks school rules regarding her phone. Kiara is closest to her grandmother, Agatha. However, one night, Agatha suffers a heart attack and eventually passes away. To heal Kiara's wound of losing her beloved grandmother, Ellen and Kiara finally vacation to Sumba, with the goal of making Kiara happy and forgetting her sadness. However, after returning from Sumba, there is a big case that Ellen has to handle with her colleague, Iwan. Because of their vacation plans, the case is in danger of falling apart. Ellen eventually fails to keep her promise to Kiara. Because of the failed vacation, Kiara becomes angry with her mother and decides to go to Sumba alone. Ellen, who is worried, follows Kiara to Sumba and explains that she decided to marry Kiara's father at a young age in order to give a grandchild to her father, Kiara's grandfather, but Kiara's father eventually cheated on Ellen. Feeling sad and angry, Ellen works hard until she forgets her duties as a mother who should accompany her child.

8. When Stopping Here (2023)

One of Refal Hady's newest films that you should definitely watch is titled When Stopping Here, which is known to be released on July 27, 2023. The film tells the story of Anindita Semesta or Dita, played by Prilly Latuconsina, who has to let go of her friend forever. In addition to learning to come to terms with loss, Dita also has to continue her life. Fortunately, the presence of Ifan Randubwana, played by Refal Hady, always faithfully accompanies Dita through difficult times.

So those are the 8 Refal Hady films that are recommended for you to watch! Which ones have you watched before?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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