Written By: Ainuni Rahmita
'QODRAT' is an Indonesian religious horror action film starring the married couple Vino G. Bastian and Marsha Timothy as the main cast. Directed by Charles Gozali, this film will be released on October 27, 2022 in Indonesian cinemas.
This film tells the story of Alif Al-Fatanah (Jason Bangun) who fails to be exorcised by his own father, Ustaz Qodrat (Vino G. Bastian), which leads to Alif being possessed by a demon named Assuala. This incident makes Qodrat visit the pesantren (Islamic boarding school) in the village where he used to study. However, Qodrat becomes confused upon arrival because the pesantren is plagued by unexplainable disturbances. Therefore, Qodrat has to find out the cause of these disturbances at the pesantren together with Yasmin (Marsha Timothy), who shares the same name as his deceased child.
Take a look at the portraits of Vino and Marsha when playing the film 'QODRAT'!