Written By: Ainuni Rahmita
'CINTA SUBUH' is an Indonesian romantic drama film directed by Indra Gunawan, based on the novel of the same title written by Ali Farighi. The film stars Dinda Hauw, Roger Danuarta, and Rey Mbayang and was released on May 19, 2022.
The film 'CINTA SUBUH' is currently available for streaming on Disney+ Hotstar. It tells the story of Angga (Rey Mbayang), a student who often misses praying on time. By chance, Angga falls in love with a genius and religiously devout student named Ratih (Dinda Hauw). Angga's journey to win Ratih's heart is filled with unusual struggles. Ratih herself hopes for a good, intelligent, and religiously devout partner. These criteria are found in Arya (Roger Danuarta), who also harbors feelings of love for Ratih. This love triangle becomes the main conflict in the film 'CINTA SUBUH.'
After a long absence from the film industry, Dinda Hauw returns to acting, but this time facing her husband Rey Mbayang directly. Take a look at their fun moments in the film 'CINTA SUBUH'!