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Synopsis of THE EXCEPTION (2016) Movie, A Love Story of a German Spy and a Palace Maid in the Midst of World War II

Synopsis of THE EXCEPTION (2016) Movie, A Love Story of a German Spy and a Palace Maid in the Midst of World War II Movie The Exception (credit: - In the movie THE EXCEPTION directed by David Leveaux, viewers will be taken on a captivating journey amidst political intrigue and romantic drama during World War II. This film follows the story of Lieutenant Stefan Brandt, who is assigned as a spy.

However, while carrying out his mission, Brandt becomes entangled in a forbidden love affair with Mieke de Jong. With a dramatic background and a highly complex plot, the movie THE EXCEPTION promises an exciting and thrilling cinematic experience.

So, for those of you who want to watch, here's the complete synopsis of the movie THE EXCEPTION. Along with the cast list. Let's check it out KLovers.

1. Film Synopsis THE EXCEPTION

The film synopsis of THE EXCEPTION tells the story of a war drama set against the backdrop of World War II.Based on the novel "The Kaiser's Last Kiss" by Alan Judd, this film follows the story of Stefan Brandt, a German lieutenant tasked with spying on the former German emperor, Kaiser Wilhelm II, who was exiled in the Netherlands during World War II.

While carrying out his mission, Brandt falls in love with a palace maid named Mieke de Jong, who also happens to have a dangerous secret.As Brandt becomes romantically involved with Mieke, he begins to realize that she is a Jewish spy tasked with protecting a British spy.

Meanwhile, the presence of Heinrich Himmler, the leader of the German SS, in the palace adds more suspense to the story.Himmler raises suspicions and tensions, forcing Brandt to choose between his love for Mieke and his duty as a German soldier, all while uncertainty looms over the fate of Kaiser and the future of Germany.

As the plot thickens, tensions rise, and loyalties are debated, Brandt is faced with a deep moral dilemma.He must navigate between forbidden love, military duty, and loyalty to his country.Meanwhile, Kaiser Wilhelm II plays a significant role in the unfolding events.

This adds dramatic complexity to the struggle between love and loyalty. Full of political intrigue, moral conflict, and heartwarming romance, the film THE EXCEPTION takes viewers on a thrilling and suspenseful journey amidst the chaos of war. With a deep portrayal of love, betrayal, and struggle in the most extreme conditions.

2. Cast of Film THE EXCEPTION

In addition to knowing the synopsis of the film THE EXCEPTION, KLovers can also find out the cast list of the film THE EXCEPTION. Each character has a significant role in developing the plot.

Where this film is full of political intrigue and tension in the midst of World War II. Here is the complete list of cast members along with character explanations in the film THE EXCEPTION:

1. Jai Courtney plays Lieutenant Stefan Brandt

Brandt is a German lieutenant who is assigned to spy on Kaiser Wilhelm II in the Netherlands during World War II. He begins to doubt his loyalty to the Nazi regime when he falls in love with Mieke de Jong.

2. Lily James plays Mieke de Jong

Mieke is a palace maid in the house where Kaiser Wilhelm II resides in the Netherlands. However, she is actually a Jewish spy tasked with protecting a British spy.

3. Christopher Plummer plays Kaiser Wilhelm II

Kaiser Wilhelm II is a former German emperor who is exiled in the Netherlands during World War II. He becomes the center of attention in the film's plot when Lieutenant Brandt is assigned to spy on him.

4. Janet McTeer plays Princess Hermine

Princess Hermine is the wife of Kaiser Wilhelm II. He has a significant influence on her husband and is involved in the political intrigues that occur in the palace.

5. Ben Daniels plays Heinrich Himmler

Heinrich Himmler is the leader of the German SS who visits the palace to inspect security and obedience to the Nazi regime. His presence creates tension and suspicion among the other characters.

6. Eddie Marsan plays Doctor Schmidt

Doctor Schmidt is Kaiser Wilhelm II's personal doctor. He plays a crucial role in monitoring the former emperor's health and providing medical advice.

That is the synopsis of the movie THE EXCEPTION which was released in 2016. With impressive acting and a plot full of intrigue, the movie THE EXCEPTION offers an unforgettable cinematic experience.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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