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10 Behind-the-Scenes Moments of the Cast of the Korean Drama 'Love Alarm' that Make Fans Hard to Move On

10 Behind-the-Scenes Moments of the Cast of the Korean Drama 'Love Alarm' that Make Fans Hard to Move On credit via Netflix - For Korean drama fans, Love Alarm is certainly not unfamiliar. It has been a hot topic of discussion lately despite its second season being shorter than the first. The drama, starring Kim So Hyun, Song Kang, and Jung Ga Ram, has captured attention due to its unique storyline.

Each actor has shared their experience in starring in this drama, including the fun behind the scenes.

1. Making Song Kang More Mature

In a special interview with Netflix, Song Kang, who plays Sun Oh, revealed that he is originally a cheerful person, "This drama made me change that personality and replaced it with a more mature Sun Oh."

To satisfy the longing of Love Alarm season 2 fans, Song Kang truly made an effort to portray a more authoritative character. His transformation in playing a more mature Sun Oh is evident compared to the first season of Love Alarm.

2. Song Kang Feels the Weight of Life

It's not easy for Song Kang to play the character Sun Oh. Besides having to delve into the role of a character who has already experienced the heaviness of life, he also has to face the bitterness of heartbreak.

However, with his talent and charm, Song Kang is able to portray Sun Oh in a way that deeply affects fans. Even until Love Alarm 2 ends, there are many fans who find it difficult to move on.

3. Song Kang Truly Enjoys the Filming Process

Despite playing a character with a heavy life and background, Song Kang still enjoys the filming process. He often shares his sweet smile with the crew and fans.

4. Jung Ga Ram Feels Like Coming Home

Meanwhile, Jung Ga Ram, who plays Lee Hye Young, feels like he's back in Love Alarm 2. "I feel like I'm coming home. It feels very comfortable, and I try to be more active in acting. Yes, I really enjoy the process," he said.

5. Jung Ga Ram Shines More in Season 2

In the first season, Jung Ga Ram chose to 'sacrifice' for Song Kang, but in Love Alarm 2, he has a greater opportunity to shine as Lee Hye Young. The chance to win Kim Jo Jo's (Kim So Hyun) heart is so much bigger in this second season thanks to the new version of Joalarm.

6. Kim So Hyun is Close to Both

Even though Kim Jojo has been caught in a love triangle between Sun Oh and Hye Young from the beginning, behind the scenes, Kim So Hyun is very close to both Song Kang and Jung Ga Ram.

This relationship is unique because in the first season, Kim Jojo was so close to Sun Oh as her first love. However, in Love Alarm 2, they are forced to no longer be together because Kim Jojo's love finally falls for Hye Young.

7. First Love Memories

Nevertheless, Sun Oh remains Kim Jojo's first love. Even though the new version of Joalarm gives him a bitter reality as it no longer rings when he approaches Jojo in Love Alarm 2.

Sun Oh believes that Jojo no longer likes him, but he cannot completely erase Jojo's presence from his mind. It is understandable that Sun Oh is suffering.

8. Still Being Best Friends Forever

Fortunately, the competition between Sun Oh and Hye Young for Jojo's heart only happens in the drama. Because thanks to Love Alarm, Song Kang and Jung Ga Ram, of course, along with Kim So Hyun, are now close friends.

9. Jung Ga Ram Considers Song Kang as a Younger Brother

Older age makes Jung Ga Ram consider Song Kang as his younger brother. The same goes for Song Kang, who greatly respects Jung Ga Ram. This is the Chemistry that makes Kim So Hyun comfortable acting alongside both of them.

10. Two Figures that Make it Hard to Move On

Both Song Kang and Jung Ga Ram have their own charm and charisma. This is what makes them admired by fans. In addition, the visual of these two talented actors is unquestionably handsome, so it's understandable that fans are confused about choosing their favorite.

With the release of behind-the-scenes photos of the drama Love Alarm and Love Alarm 2, fans who were reluctant to see this Korean drama end are finding it even harder to move on from its characters and story. Are you one of them?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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