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3 Favorite Foods of Uju, the Adorable and Cute Character in 'HOSPITAL PLAYLIST 2'

3 Favorite Foods of Uju, the Adorable and Cute Character in 'HOSPITAL PLAYLIST 2' (c) Shutterstock - HOSPITAL PLAYLIST 2 continues to be a trending drama eagerly awaited by K-drama fans. As it approaches its final episode, which is scheduled to air on September 16, 2021, many are excited to see how the love story between Lee Ik Jun and Chae Song Hwa unfolds. Will they be able to be together or will they remain trapped in the friendzone forever?

But let's admit it, every character that appears in HOSPITAL PLAYLIST 2 always captures our attention. Including Uju, Ik Jun's adorable son who has been stealing the hearts of viewers since season 1. Uju himself is one of the characters with a favorite signature dish. Do you also like it, KLovers?

Egg Drop

(c) Shutterstock

Since the first season, Egg Drop, a Korean-style sandwich, has become Uju's favorite food. It has become his signature dish, and he loves egg drop so much that he wants to eat it every day.

Egg drop is a Korean sandwich filled with sausage, eggs, and delicious-looking meat. Many scenes enjoy the adorable egg drop that makes the audience feel delighted when watching it. It's not just Uju's expression when enjoying this food, but also the chemistry displayed with his father that feels real. When watching Uju eat egg drop, you definitely want to taste it too, right? 

Corn Dog 

(c) Shutterstock

Only true HOSPITAL PLAYLIST fans notice that Uju also really likes corn dogs. Although there aren't many highlighted scenes like egg drop, Uju is seen enjoying the deliciousness of corn dogs a few times. 

For those who don't know, corn dog is a Korean-style sausage coated with batter and usually filled with melting mozzarella to enhance its delicious taste. This snack actually originated from America, but Korean dramas often feature various corn dog creations in their stories, making this food booming worldwide. No wonder Uju likes it too. 

Hamburger Bulgogi 

(c) Shutterstock

In one episode of HOSPITAL PLAYLIST 2, it was also revealed that Uju really likes hamburgers! You must remember the scene when Uju asks Ik Jun to guess the food he wants to eat. With her innocent attitude, it's obvious that Uju is actually eating a hamburger. 

It's even more adorable when she mentions the complete menu she wants to order by adding fries and juice. If you meet an adorable child like this, you'll definitely want to take them home right away. 

Those were Uju's favorite foods, our beloved cutie in HOSPITAL PLAYLIST 2. Is there any favorite of yours too? Don't just watch, #AyoPO directly at

1. Pre Order Egg Drop Toast from dapoer_qnq in Depok

Credit: dapoer_qnq


2. Pre Order Corn Dog from in Jakarta



3. Pre Order Mozzarella & Sausage Corn Dog from oemahtesia in Bekasi

Credit: oemahtesia


4. Pre Order Burger Box from MakanMasak in Surabaya

Credit: MakanMasak


5. Pre Order Burger Saus Gochujang from Bad Bone Burger in Jakarta

Credit: Bad Bone Burger

How to pre-order on is also very easy. Just open the application and find the food you like according to the selected city. If you want to order, click Order Now and you will be connected directly to the seller's WhatsApp. Easy, right?

Do you already know what to pre-order on




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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