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3 Fun-Facts You Must Know About the Korean Drama '18 AGAIN', Adaptation from a Hollywood Film!

3 Fun-Facts You Must Know About the Korean Drama '18 AGAIN', Adaptation from a Hollywood Film! Drama 18 AGAIN (credit: © JTBC) - Written by: Nadia Sabilla Ramadhani

The Korean drama 18 AGAIN was released on September 21, 2020, and received a rating of 8.2 from IMDB. This drama stars Kim Ha-Neul (Jung Da-Jung) and Yoon Sang-Hyun (Hong Dae-Young). The story is about a family drama that is happening with a touch of funny comedy and a little heartbreaking story in it.

It tells the story of a 37-year-old man who is going through a difficult time due to his troubled marriage and fights with his wife. Moreover, Hong Dae-Young is fired from his job. In addition, his father has a strained relationship with his two children, Hong Shi-A (Roh Jeong-Eui) and Hong Shi-Woo (Ryeo Un).

The problems that befall this family are so complicated and often bring tears. However, a miracle happens when Dae-Young is contemplating and playing basketball on his high school court. Suddenly, he goes back to being his 18-year-old self. With this miracle, he starts his new life with a different identity to improve his relationship with his two children and his wife.

This family drama is very relatable to the audience because of its light story and can be watched with family, making this drama popular in 2020. However, behind the sad and comedic story of 18 AGAIN, there are some unique facts that you must know.

1. Korean Version of Hollywood Film '17 AGAIN'

The drama 18 AGAIN is an adaptation of the Hollywood film starring Zac Efron, Matthew Perry, and Leslie Mann in 2009, with a similar title, 17 AGAIN. Although it is an adaptation of an existing film, the storyline is slightly different, as directed by the director.

Some scenes were changed by the director to differentiate between the film and the Korean drama. Which one do you like?

2. Starring Senior Actors and Actresses

Surprisingly, the two main actors in this drama are senior actors who are undoubtedly skilled in portraying a character. Yoon Sang Hyun and Kim Ha Neul play the roles of husband and wife in this drama with professionalism.

Not surprisingly, their chemistry in this drama has received positive reactions from viewers. They seem to be immersed in the family drama unfolding.

3. Lee Do-Hyun Debuts as the Lead Actor in a Korean Drama

After a long wait, Lee Do-Hyun finally becomes the lead actor in a Korean drama, playing the role of young Dae-Young. In some Korean dramas like HOTEL DEL LUNA and STILL 17, Lee Do-Hyun has been a supporting actor.

The character of young Dae-Young is portrayed as cheerful, caring, and brave. Isn't it a perfect fit for Lee Do-Hyun's appearance?

Those are the 3 facts you need to know about the Korean drama 18 AGAIN. Interested in watching it?

4. Korean Drama Trailer '18 AGAIN'

Check out the trailer!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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