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5 Business Lessons from the K-drama 'DALI AND COCKY PRINCE', Turns Out Passion Alone is Not Enough

5 Business Lessons from the K-drama 'DALI AND COCKY PRINCE', Turns Out Passion Alone is Not Enough Credit: Instagram/kbsdrama - Who here is still faithful to following the K-drama DALI AND COCKY PRINCE? Bringing together the great chemistry between Park Gyu Young and Kim Min Jae, this drama is also widely discussed because of its interesting storyline.

In short, DALI AND COCKY PRINCE tells the story of Kim Da Li (Park Gyu Young), who suddenly has the responsibility to continue her family's Cheongseong Gallery after her father's sudden death. Then there's Jin Moo Hak (Kim Min Jae) who is the Director of Dondon F&B, one of the largest food franchises in Korea.

Dondon F&B turns out to be one of the creditors of Cheongseong Gallery, and Jin Moo Hak is trying to get his money back. However, the gallery's financial condition is not good because it was abandoned by the bank and sponsors after Da Li's father passed away.

Both of them work together to revive Cheongseong Gallery. There are many business lessons you can learn while watching this drama. It could be an inspiration for those of you who are or are currently struggling to start your own business!


1. Business Skills are Important, So Don't be Lazy to Keep Learning

In this drama, Kim Da Li is portrayed as an intelligent woman with a broad artistic insight. However, she has no experience in the business world. Unlike Jin Moo Hak, who successfully started Dondon F&B from a small shop to now the largest restaurant franchise in Korea. Unfortunately, he is ignorant in general knowledge.

From these two contrasting characters, viewers can see that business skills are indeed crucial in running a startup. Moo Hak himself is equipped with strong business talent and instincts, which support his success. Meanwhile, Da Li's character shows that anyone can run a business as long as they are willing to learn and make an effort.


2. Not All Family Members Have Good Intentions to Support Your Business

Galeri Cheongseong and Dondon F&B are businesses in different fields, but they have one similarity, which is that they are both family businesses. However, viewers can understand that not all family members involved have good intentions to support the business.

For example, in the Moo Hak family, his stepmother and stepsister try to run a construction business under the name of Dondon F&B without Moo Hak's knowledge. On the other hand, in the case of Galeri Cheongseong, Kim Da Li has a cousin who has always wanted to take over the gallery after Da Li's father passed away.


3. Think of Out-of-the-Box Promotion Strategies

No matter what business you run, promotion is something that should not be forgotten. Through promotion, people can get to know the products or services you offer. So, thinking of out-of-the-box promotion strategies is very important.

In this drama, Da Li always faces difficult situations, including when preparing for the first major exhibition after becoming the gallery director. Despite being in the media spotlight due to a personal scandal, she manages to use it to promote the exhibition being held.  


4. Passion is Important, but Also Think about How to Profit

This is one of the most important lessons when running a business. Passion and principles are indeed important, but don't forget that a business still needs to make a profit in order to keep going.

Da Li and Moo Hak always argue because they have different principles. On one hand, Da Li always believes that a gallery is not for seeking profit, but rather a place for learning and donation. However, Moo Hak also tries to make Da Li realize that a gallery needs funds to survive and cannot solely rely on sponsors.


5. Always Be Alert to Business Competition

Running a business means you have to prepare yourself for any form of business competition. In DALI AND COCKY PRINCE, the visible business competition is the threat from external parties who want to bankrupt Galeri Cheongseong. This competition also involves unexpected people in Da Li's life.

Not only entertaining, DALI AND COCKY PRINCE also offers many business lessons that can be learned. Hopefully, it can provide enlightenment for those who want to develop their business!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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