Kapanlagi.com - The presence of Korean dramas that combine action and comedy is always eagerly awaited, and there are several latest action comedy Korean dramas in the late of 2023 to early 2024 that are exciting to follow.
In this article, Kapanlagi will offer an exciting combination of thrilling action and entertaining humor in these dramas. From challenging plots to intriguing characters.
Let's check out the list of latest action comedy Korean dramas in the late of 2023 to early 2024 that you shouldn't miss. Let's go, KLovers.

Drama Strong Girl Namsoon (credit: hancinema.net)
Rating | 8.2 IMDb |
Episode | 16 episode |
Durasi | 70 menit |
Tayang | Netflix |
Pemain | Lee You Mi, Kim Jung Eun, Kim Hae Sook |
Drama Korea tentang action komedi terbaru pertama ada drama berjudul STRONG GIRL NAMSOON. Drama yang tayang di akhir tahun 2023 ini berkisah tentang Kang Nam Soon, pemilik kekuatan super dan mencari orang tuanya di Seoul. Ibunya ternyata Hwang Geum Joo, wanita kaya yang berusaha melakukan perbuatan baik setelah kehilangan putrinya.
Pada akhirnya ibu dan anak ini bekerjasama untuk melakukan kebaikan. Hingga, mereka terlibat dalam kasus narkoba di Gangnam. Detektif Kang Hee Sik menangani kasus tersebut dan tertarik pada Kang Nam Soon serta ibunya. Konflik muncul saat mereka berusaha menyelesaikan kasus sambil menghadapi masalah pribadi dan kekuatan super mereka.
2. BOYHOOD (2023)

Drama Boyhood (credit: hancinema.net)
Rating | 8.4 IMDb |
Episode | 10 episode |
Durasi | 60 menit |
Tayang | VIU |
Pemain | Im Si Wan, Lee Sun Bin, Kang Hye Won |
Masih dengan drama Korea tentang action komedi terbaru di akhir tahun 2023, kali ini ada drama berjudul BOYHOOD. Drama ini sendiri mengisahkan tentang siswa di sebuah sekolah menengah pertanian di Provinsi Chungcheong pada tahun 1980-an.
Salah satu siswa tersebut ada Jang Byung Tae, seorang anak yang lemah dan terpinggirkan. Dirinya pindah ke Sekolah Menengah Pertanian Buyeo dan ingin menjauh dari tindakan bully. Namun, di sekolah baru ini, ia mengalami peristiwa tak terduga yang mengubah jalannya hidup.

Drama Queen of Divorce (credit: hancinema.net)
Rating | 7.5 IMDb |
Episode | 12 episode |
Durasi | 75 menit |
Tayang | VIKI, Prime Video, VIU |
Pemain | Lee Ji Ah, Kang Ki Young, Kim Sun Young |
Drama Korea tentang action komedi terbaru selanjutnya ada drama berjudul QUEEN OF DIVORCE. Drama yang tayang di akhir tahun 2024 ini berkisah tentang Kim Sa Ra, mantan menantu dari firma hukum ternama di Korea, yang mengalami pengkhianatan dan kehilangan segalanya.
Dia kemudian menjadi seorang pemecah masalah perceraian di Solution, sebuah kantor penyelesaian perceraian. Bersama dengan Dong Ki Joon, seorang mantan jaksa penuntut, mereka membantu pasangan yang mengalami kesulitan dalam perceraian.
4. FLEX X COP (2024)

Drama Flex X Cop (credit: hancinema.net)
Rating | 7.8 IMDb |
Episode | 16 episode |
Durasi | 70 minutes |
Tayang | Disney+ Hotstar, Hulu |
Pemain | Ahn Bo Hyun, Park Ji Hyun, Kang Sang Jun |
Then there's the drama FLEX X COP which is the first drama of 2024. This latest Korean drama about action comedy tells the story of Jin Yi Soo, a third-generation conglomerate whose life suddenly changes when he gets caught up in a serious corruption case.
To solve his problem, he joins the violence investigation team at the Kangha Police Office, led by Detective Lee Kang Hyun. They work together to catch robbers, face challenges, and discover unexpected closeness.
5. CHIEF DETECTIVE 1958 (2024)

Drama Chief Detective 1958 (credit: hancinema.net)
Release | April 19, 2024 |
Episode | 10 episodes |
Duration | 70 minutes |
Airing | - |
Cast | Lee Je Hoon, Lee Dong Hwi, Choi Woo Sung |
And the latest Korean action comedy drama that will air in mid-2024 is titled CHIEF DETECTIVE 1958. This drama follows Park Young Han, an enthusiastic detective with the highest arrest rate in petty theft cases. Along with three charismatic colleagues, they try to break the norms of corruption in an effort to uphold justice.
Those are some of the latest Korean action comedy dramas from late 2023 to early 2024 that you can know. Enjoy the excitement of action and comedy in the latest Korean dramas that will entertain you.
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