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6 Latest Action Genre Korean Dramas at the End of 2023 to Early 2024, Some Have Already Aired - Coming Soon

6 Latest Action Genre Korean Dramas at the End of 2023 to Early 2024, Some Have Already Aired - Coming Soon Action Genre Drama (credit: - At the end of 2023 to early 2024, the Korean drama industry has presented various stories that you shouldn't miss. One of them is an action genre drama that offers an exciting experience with a plot full of intrigue.

In addition, there are breathtaking action scenes and strong characters. From intense battles to dangerous missions, this latest action genre drama provides thrilling entertainment and deep narratives for loyal drama fans.

Now, for those of you who are curious about the titles of action genre dramas, here is a list of the latest action genre dramas airing from the end of 2023 to early 2024. Let's check it out, KLovers.

1. VIGILANTE (2023)

Rating8.0 IMDB
Episode8 episode
Durasi65 minutes
TayangDisney+ Hotstar, Hulu
PemainNam Joo Hyuk, Yoo Ji Tae, Kim So Jin

The first latest action drama titled VIGILANTE is about Kim Ji Yong, a police student, who is trapped in a moral conflict that tears him apart when his mother becomes a victim of injustice.

Experiencing unforgettable suffering, Ji Yong transforms himself into a vigilante on weekends to chase criminals who escape the law, while being a police student on regular days. However, in his journey, he realizes the boundary between justice and the law.

As these two conflicting identities exist in his life, Ji Yong must choose between obeying the law or fighting for true justice, taking the audience on a confusing and thrilling moral journey.


Rating8.4 IMDB
Episode32 episode
Durasi60 menit
PemainChoi Soo Jong, Kim Dong Jun, Ji Seung Hyun

Kemudian ada drakor genre action dengan latar belakang kisah historikal. Drakor genre action terbaru ini berkisah di era peperangan yang kejam di Asia, Sang Raja Goryeo mengajak rakyatnya untuk melawan pasukan Khitan untuk memperebutkan wilayah.

Dalam pertempuran berdarah yang epik, persatuan dan tekad kuat rakyat Goryeo menjadi kunci kemenangan mereka. Namun, di tengah konflik yang memuncak, keputusan tak terduga dan pengorbanan heroik akan mengubah takdir kedua bangsa yang bertikai ini.


Rating7.4 IMDB
Episode10 episode
Durasi70 menit
PemainPark Seo Joon, Han So Hee, Kim Su Hyun

Kalian suka action fantasi? Maka drama GYEONGSEONG CREATURE wajib jadi pilihan. Drakor genre action terbaru ini akan membawa penonton ke dalam dunia misteri dan ketegangan saat Jang Tae Sang, seorang pria kaya, tanpa sengaja terperangkap dalam jaringan misteri setelah bertemu Yoon Chae Ok, seorang todugun.

Yoon Chae Ok ini sedang menyelidiki kasus hilangnya sang ibu. Keduanya terjebak dalam kisah serangkaian kasus orang hilang yang tak terduga, dengan konspirasi yang mengancam nyawa mereka. Di tengah ketegangan dan ancaman, bersama-sama mereka berusaha mengungkap kebenaran di balik serangkaian peristiwa misterius ini.

Sebuah misteri tersembunyi yang kelam yang berada di kota Gyeongseong. Namun tanpa mereka disadari, kekuatan gelap yang mengintai di setiap langkah mereka dapat mengancam keberadaan mereka. Hingga, jadi drakor genre action terbaru yang sayang untuk dilewatkan.


Rating8.1 Mydramalist
Episode8 episode
Durasi51 menit
TayangDisney+ Hotstar, Hulu
PemainLee Dong Wook, Kim Hye Joon, Seo Hyun Woo

Kemudian ada drama berjudul A SHOP FOR KILLERS yang jadi drakor genre action berikutnya. Dikisahkan, Jeong Ji An, seorang mahasiswa baru, menemukan dirinya dalam pusaran misteri ketika paman yang merawatnya meninggal bunuh diri secara tiba-tiba.

Ketika serangan misterius mengancam hidupnya, Ji An menyadari bahwa paman itu memiliki rahasia gelap yang melibatkan pembunuh bayaran. Terperangkap di rumah paman, Ji An harus mengandalkan pelatihan aneh yang diberikan oleh paman untuk bertahan hidup dan mengungkap kebenaran di balik ini semua.

5. FLEX X COP (2024)

Rating8.2 Mydramalist
Episode16 episode
Durasi70 menit
TayangPrime Video, Hulu, Disney+ Hostar
PemainAhn Bo Hyun, Park Ji Hyun, Kang Sang Jun

Masih hangat, drama berjudul FLEX X COP berkisah tentang Jin Yi Soo, seorang polisi kaya yang percaya diri, dan Lee Kang Hyun, seorang investigator kekerasan yang cerdas. Meskipun awalnya tidak menyukai satu sama lain, mereka terpaksa bersekutu ketika terlibat dalam kasus besar yang melibatkan korupsi. Bersama-sama, mereka berusaha menjatuhkan organisasi kejahatan yang kuat dan korup.

6. PYRAMID GAME (2024)

ReleaseFebruary 29, 2024
Episodes16 episodes
Duration70 minutes
AiringPrime Video, Hulu, Disney+ Hostar
CastBona, Jang Da A, Ryu Da In

And the latest action genre drama that is still coming soon is titled PYRAMID GAME. This action genre drama tells the story of Sarang High School where once a month, students choose the winner of a popularity poll that determines the school's social hierarchy.

Su Ji, a transfer student, is forced to confront this game of power. However, as she begins to rise to the top, Su Ji realizes that the price of her success is high, and she must choose between maintaining the brutal system or rebelling against it.

Will she reach the top of the pyramid, or will she decide to stop it all? For those of you who are curious about the story, you must watch this latest action genre drama that will air at the end of February. Don't miss it!

Those are some of the latest recommendations for action genre dramas that you can watch. With an increasingly captivated fan base and overflowing enthusiasm, it's no wonder that this action genre drama has become quite popular, promising more tension and surprises.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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