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6 Nicknames 'Love' Jimin Has for BTS Members: Someone is Considered a Grandmother - Beloved Pet

6 Nicknames 'Love' Jimin Has for BTS Members: Someone is Considered a Grandmother - Beloved Pet credit via Big Hit Music - Almost 8 years BTS has been together since their debut in 2013. During that time, the seven members have lived together like a family in one house. This is not including the duration of living together as trainees, so if totaled, BTS has been living together for a decade.

This is what keeps the bond between BTS members strong, because they have never lived apart. Even though each member has their own luxurious apartment, BTS still decides to live in one dorm together, which is equally luxurious.

Because of this, Jimin has a special fondness for each member. He even has nicknames of 'love' for each member. Some he considers as his own grandmother, and some he considers as beloved pets because they are so adorable. Here is the complete review!

1. RM Becomes Jimin's Uncle in BTS

First, there is the leader of BTS, RM, who Jimin often sees as his own uncle. For Jimin, RM is not only capable of taking care of the members as a leader, but he is also not selfish in managing the team. On the contrary, RM is very skillful in positioning himself, so he can still be a fun companion to joke around with.


2. Suga Becomes Jimin's Grandma in BTS

Meanwhile, Suga from BTS, who is known for being economical with words, is considered as Jimin's grandma. According to Jimin, Suga is very mature and highly respected by many people. His various pieces of advice are so valuable that he often guides the members in their creative work.

However, behind his busy life as a public figure, Suga prefers to enjoy his private time by staying silent and savoring peace, just like grandmas who only want to rest after a long day of activities.


3. Jin Becomes Jimin's Older Sister in BTS

There is a reason why Jimin refers to Jin BTS as his own older sister. Not only because of his position as the oldest member, but Jin also often scolds the younger BTS members, especially if they do something inappropriate. However, on the other hand, Jin is very caring towards the BTS members.


4. J-Hope Becomes Jimin's Older Brother in BTS

In Jimin's eyes, J-Hope is a cheerful and always fun person to do various things with. Both of them often try various funny dances without shame, besides being the main dancers of BTS.

For Jimin, the fun only comes from an older brother figure who has the same hobbies. That's why Jimin sees J-Hope as his older brother in the BTS 'family'.


5. V Becomes Jimin BTS's Younger Brother

Although in terms of age, Jimin and V BTS are not far apart, but Jimin feels that he often gives attention and protection to V. Jimin even often comforts V when he is sad. This closeness is what makes Jimin consider V BTS as his own younger brother.


6. Jungkook Becomes Jimin BTS's Beloved Pet

Of course, the term 'pet' here is not in a negative sense, but because it is more towards cuteness. In Korea, having a pet is already a common thing. In fact, because of the closeness, pets are considered as part of the family.

Well, in Jimin's eyes, Jungkook BTS is such a figure. Not without reason, but because they often play together all the time. Also, because Jungkook is still young, Jimin thinks he is very cute.

Well, that's Jimin's term of 'affection' for the BTS members. Whatever the nickname is, Jimin definitely loves all the BTS members. And also the fans, they are very happy if their beloved idol lives in harmony together. Truly a very sweet relationship, right, KLovers?



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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