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9 Photos of Lee Min Ho that are Blurry but Successfully Make Fans Flutter

9 Photos of Lee Min Ho that are Blurry but Successfully Make Fans Flutter

Korean Drama

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9 Photos of Lee Min Ho that are Blurry but Successfully Make Fans Flutter

Most people always want to showcase the best on social media, including choosing photos with the sharpest resolution to upload on Instagram. However, this does not apply to Lee Min Ho. This handsome actor often uploads blurry photos of himself on various occasions. Nevertheless, Lee Min Ho's fans still go crazy and say that their idol looks very handsome. Here are a series of blurry photos of Lee Min Ho uploaded on his personal Instagram account. Take a peek!


The aesthetic concept that Lee Min Ho portrays on his personal Instagram account seems to be blurry photos. There are so many blurry photos.

9 Photos of Lee Min Ho that are Blurry but Successfully Make Fans Flutter

In this modern era where mobile phone cameras are becoming more advanced and capable of producing high-resolution photos, many of Lee Min Ho's photos are blurry.


Lately, the actor of the hit drama THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH has been uploading photos of himself that do not clearly show his face and figure.


It seems that Lee Min Ho can't stay still when being photographed. As a result, his shots often turn out blurry even in places with sufficient lighting.

9 Photos of Lee Min Ho that are Blurry but Successfully Make Fans Flutter

People say love is blind. Including Lee Min Ho fans who are made weak-kneed by the handsomeness of this actor from the land of ginseng.

9 Photos of Lee Min Ho that are Blurry but Successfully Make Fans Flutter

Although Lee Min Ho uploads blurry photos, fans still say that their idol still looks incredibly handsome.

9 Photos of Lee Min Ho that are Blurry but Successfully Make Fans Flutter

However, Lee Min Ho's face is not clearly visible in these blurry photos. Sometimes it's not visible at all.

9 Photos of Lee Min Ho that are Blurry but Successfully Make Fans Flutter

Moreover, after Lee Min Ho's Instagram became the Korean actor's account with the most followers, more and more fans went into hysteria.


Among all the blurry photos uploaded by Lee Min Ho on Instagram, which one do you think looks the most handsome according to KLovers?