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A Series of Interesting Facts About the 2023 Korean Drama LIES HIDDEN IN MY GARDEN, Starring Kim Tae Hee - Lim Ji Yeon

A Series of Interesting Facts About the 2023 Korean Drama LIES HIDDEN IN MY GARDEN, Starring Kim Tae Hee - Lim Ji Yeon LIES HIDDEN IN MY GARDEN (credit: - There are many interesting dramas in 2023 that catch attention, one of which is LIES HIDDEN IN MY GARDEN. Yes, this drama is one of the 2023 Korean dramas that may attract Korean drama lovers from various countries.

How not, this thriller-suspense genre drama will be played by two top actresses, Kim Tae Hee the wife of Rain and Lim Ji Yeon who previously succeeded in playing an antagonist character in the drama THE GLORY with Song Hye Kyo.

So, before KLovers watch the drama LIES HIDDEN IN MY GARDEN, let's check out a series of interesting facts about the 2023 drama LIES HIDDEN IN MY GARDEN below. Let's check it out.


1. Adapted from a Famous Novel

The first fact is that the drama LIES HIDDEN IN MY GARDEN is a Korean drama adapted from a best-selling novel with the same title, KLovers. Yes, this mystery novel tells a story of a foul smell like a human corpse that brings together two women characters with different lives in a mysterious and suspicious case.


2. Playing the Victim Role

In the same year, actress Lim Ji Yeon successfully played an antagonist role as a bully in the drama THE GLORY. However, in this drama LIES HIDDEN IN MY GARDEN, her life is quite different, KLovers.

Yup! If previously we were shown Lim Ji Yeon's luxurious outfit, then in this drama she is just an ordinary woman. She even becomes a victim of domestic violence. How interesting is the story in this drama.


3. Opposite Characters

In addition, the characters of Lim Ji Yeon and Kim Tae Hee in the drama LIES HIDDEN IN MY GARDEN are quite opposite. While Lim Ji Yeon plays the role of a wife who is always a victim of domestic violence, Kim Tae Hee's life in this drama is portrayed as perfect as a wife.


4. Comeback After 3 Years

Another fact is that the drama LIES HIDDEN IN MY GARDEN is also Kim Tae Hee's comeback drama after a hiatus of 3 years, KLovers. Yes, Kim Tae Hee's previous drama was HI BYE MAMA in 2020 which also successfully attracted the attention of viewers.


5. Popular Drama Director

The drama LIES HIDDEN IN MY GARDEN is known to be directed by a popular director, Jung Ju Hyun. Yes, Jung Ju Hyun has previously successfully directed popular dramas such as SEARCH: WWW in 2019 and TWENTY FIVE, TWENTY ONE in 2022.


6. Drama Synopsis

Well, it is known that this drama will air on June 19, 2023. The story revolves around two women with very different lives. However, a strange and pungent smell in one of the women's houses eventually leads them to unexpectedly connect with each other.

There's Joo Ran played by Kim Tae Hee. She is a woman whose life is almost perfect. Joo Ran becomes a housewife living in a luxurious and large house. Then there's Chu Sang Eun played by Lim Ji Yeon, a victim of domestic violence who wants to be free from her suffering life.

One day, Joo Ran realizes that there is a strange smell like the smell of a dead body coming from the backyard of her house. Because of this, they are brought together in a case full of mystery and suspicion.

Those are some interesting facts about the LIES HIDDEN IN MY GARDEN 2023 drama, which will air on June 19. And the LIES HIDDEN IN MY GARDEN drama is one of the dramas that is highly anticipated by drakor fans.



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