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Age Difference of 12 Years, Ji Chang Wook and Kim Yoo Jung Receive Offers to Act Together in a Drama

Age Difference of 12 Years, Ji Chang Wook and Kim Yoo Jung Receive Offers to Act Together in a Drama Ji Chang Wook and Kim Yoo Jung © Special - Ji Chang Wook has just entertained his fans through the drama Melting Me Softly. Now there is news stating that the actor will soon act in another drama.

As reported by Soompi, an article mentions that Ji Chang Wook will star in the drama Convenience Store Saetbyul (translated title). The drama is based on a webtoon with the same title.

Convenience Store Saetbyul tells the story of a mischievous girl who works as a part-time employee in a convenience store. She has a clumsy but handsome manager.

1. Statement from Ji Chang Wook's Agency

Ji Chang Wook's agency, Glorious Entertainment, immediately issued a statement regarding the report. They confirmed that the actor did receive an offer to appear in the drama.

"Ji Chang Wook is currently considering the offer to star in Convenience Store Saetbyul. His appearance in the drama has not been confirmed yet. This is just one of the scripts he has received," said Glorious Entertainment.

2. Kim Yoo Jung Also Offered

It was previously announced that Kim Yoo Jung has been offered the lead role in Convenience Store Saet Byul. Like Ji Chang Wook, Kim Yoo Jung has not yet provided confirmation.

If they end up acting together, it would certainly be interesting. In terms of age, Ji Chang Wook is 12 years older than Kim Yoo Jung, who will turn 21 this year.

The drama is scheduled to air in the second half of 2020. Let's wait for further updates!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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