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Amazing! NCT's 'Beyond LIVE' Special Show Watched by 200,000 People from 124 Countries

Amazing! NCT's 'Beyond LIVE' Special Show Watched by 200,000 People from 124 Countries NCT. Credit: SM Entertainment - Global K-Pop group NCT once again spoils NCTzens. As known, the SM Entertainment stars recently held a special concert titled Beyond LIVE online.

In the event, all units of NCT performed their popular songs. Of course, the special show was watched by hundreds of thousands of NCTzens from all over the world!

1. 200,000 Million Viewers

The online concert 'Beyond LIVE - NCT: RESONANCE 'Global Wave'' which was broadcast on December 27, 2020, at 13:00 WIB through Naver V LIVE Beyond LIVE received high enthusiasm from fans by showing various charms and colors of NCT's unique music, as well as a stage that combines AR technology and graphic effects.

Specifically, this online concert was watched by approximately 200,000 people from 124 countries, such as Indonesia, South Korea, the United States, China, Japan, Thailand, and Canada. The hashtag '#NCT2020_Beyond_LIVE', NCT members' names, and the titles of the songs performed in the concert also trended in 23 countries, such as Mexico, Brazil, Vietnam, Belgium, Argentina, Russia, Finland, and Hungary.

2. Interesting Songs

In this concert, NCT performed various songs that showcased NCT's unlimited growth and charm, including their debut song '7th Sense' released in 2016, to songs released this year in their second full-length album 'RESONANCE', such as 'My Everything', 'All About You', 'Faded in My Last Song', 'Light Bulb'.

NCT received warm response by performing a total of 21 songs, including NCT U's 'BOSS', 'WITHOUT YOU', 'Baby Don't Stop', '90's Love', 'Work It', 'From Home', and 'Misfit', NCT 127's 'Kick I', NCT DREAM's 'GO' and 'Deja Vu', WayV's 'Bad Alive' and 'Nectar', as well as the performance of all members in the song 'RESONANCE'.

3. AR Technology

AR technology and displayed graphics were used to create a palace and writing that resembles a magic lamp on the 'Make A Wish' stage, a giant chessboard for the 'Nectar' performance, streets filled with neon lights for the 'Ridin' stage, as well as a metal logo with the word 'RESONANCE' that appears to come out of the screen, adding excitement for fans.

At the end of the performance, NCT said, "We have showcased performances of songs we have released since our debut and we feel very emotional preparing for them. We are happy to show them to you," followed by, "Being able to show extraordinary performances, create beautiful memories, and enjoy activities together with the 23 members is something very meaningful in this year 2020. The support cheers from fans will be a great driving force for activities in 2021. We hope to meet you in person. Please look forward to our next activities."


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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