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10 Photos of TVXQ's 17th Debut Anniversary Fan Meeting: Fun Conversations and Exciting Games - Proving Their Extraordinary Live Performances

10 Photos of TVXQ's 17th Debut Anniversary Fan Meeting: Fun Conversations and Exciting Games - Proving Their Extraordinary Live Performances


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10 Photos of TVXQ's 17th Debut Anniversary Fan Meeting: Fun Conversations and Exciting Games - Proving Their Extraordinary Live Performances

TVXQ celebrated their 17th debut anniversary by holding an online fan meeting streamed through Beyond Live today, Saturday (26/12/2020). Duo Yunho and Changmin spent 2.5 hours with fans, engaging in conversations, playing games together, and delivering extraordinary stage performances. Check out the photos of TVXQ's performances below!


TVXQ held an online fan meeting to celebrate their 17 years of debut in the world of K-Pop.


Minho SHINee is trusted to be the host of this fan meeting. Junior and close friend of Changmin didn't forget to bring a cake with candles that say the number 17.

10 Photos of TVXQ's 17th Debut Anniversary Fan Meeting: Fun Conversations and Exciting Games - Proving Their Extraordinary Live Performances

Yunho sings a little song Always With You, proof of TVXQ's togetherness with fans for 17 years.

10 Photos of TVXQ's 17th Debut Anniversary Fan Meeting: Fun Conversations and Exciting Games - Proving Their Extraordinary Live Performances

Entering the game session, there are lots of exciting things that TVXQ does. One of them is guessing the order of their coolest stage costumes. Which one is your favorite?

10 Photos of TVXQ's 17th Debut Anniversary Fan Meeting: Fun Conversations and Exciting Games - Proving Their Extraordinary Live Performances

Yunho and Changmin talk a lot about their personalities. Of course, this will cure fans' longing for the handsome duo.


TVXQ is then asked to find a paper containing missions. Some of the missions they do are roller coaster dance, playing basketball, finger strength competition, and many more.


Also not less exciting, one of the missions is to ask TVXQ to imitate stickers. Cute!


After chatting, TVXQ really spoiled fans through their live performance which opened with THE CHANCE OF LOVE, followed by their debut song HUG, and then TONIGHT.

10 Photos of TVXQ's 17th Debut Anniversary Fan Meeting: Fun Conversations and Exciting Games - Proving Their Extraordinary Live Performances

The next performance is Changmin singing RISE AS ONE, successfully making it hard to move on!


Yunho's next performance is FOLLOW. Oh, it really captivates the heart.


TVXQ's stage performance is closed with the amazing CATCH ME! For fans who missed the live session, they can still watch this TVXQ online fan meeting through the VOD version. Happy 17th anniversary TVXQ!