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Taeyong NCT Announced to be Absent from Concert Due to Recurring Injury

Taeyong NCT Announced to be Absent from Concert Due to Recurring Injury Taeyong NCT © SM Entertainment - Unfortunate news came from Taeyong NCT who has announced to have suffered another injury. Because of this, the idol is confirmed to be absent from the online concert that will be broadcasted on Beyond Live on December 27, 2020.

SM Entertainment has released an official statement informing that Taeyong's pinched nerve has recurred. They have decided for this artist to focus on recovery and not be able to join the first concert of NCT with a formation of 23 members.

1. Statement SM Entertainment

This is SM Entertainment

We ask for understanding from fans.

Taeyong's pinched nerve has recurred, so he has to be absent from all schedules, including Beyond LIVE - NCT: RESONANCE (Global Wave).

We ask for full understanding from fans, and we will do our best to take care of Taeyong so that he can focus on the healing process.

Thank you."

Fans have been actively writing the hashtag #GetWellSoonTaeyong, which immediately became trending. They hope that their idol will get enough rest and recovery time to get well soon.

Get well soon, Taeyong!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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