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Asked If There Is An Interest in Becoming a K-Pop Idol, Jang Hansol: I'm Self-Aware

Asked If There Is An Interest in Becoming a K-Pop Idol, Jang Hansol: I'm Self-Aware Jang Hansol (credit: hansoljang110) - Jang Hansol aka Korea Reomit is one of the popular YouTubers from South Korea who is very popular in Indonesia. He often shares information about what is being talked about or unique stories and others. This time he was a guest star at the Kapanlagi Korean Festival Day 1 event (25/7/2020).

In this event, Hansol talked about something different, about K-Pop and K-Drama. That's why he was asked if he ever had an interest in becoming a K-Pop idol. Apparently, he has been asked this question many times.

1. Self-Awareness

For those who want Hansol to become a K-Pop idol or a drama actor, you will be disappointed. Because this Medhok Youtuber actually has no interest at all in venturing into the singing world.

"I am self-aware. I look in the mirror and it seems like I can't make it in that world. I've met (idols) several times, they are truly different, like they're not human. Their fingers are different, their bones are different. Besides, I can't sing either," said Hansol.

2. Hansol's Current Activities

Although he didn't become a K-Pop idol, Hansol is now successful as a Youtuber and has many loyal fans. Due to the pandemic, he spends more time doing activities at home.

"Mostly at home, I usually eat healthy food. I'm on a diet, but on cheating days, I eat delicious food," he said.

Wishing Jang Hansol continued success! Stay healthy too, Mas!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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