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Because of Being a Homewrecker, Han So Hee is Hated by Family and Friends

Because of Being a Homewrecker, Han So Hee is Hated by Family and Friends Han So Hee (credit: JTBC) - The name Han So Hee is currently shining. Her beautiful face, combined with her excellent acting, immediately caught the attention of Korean drama fans.

Her career is currently shining thanks to her role as a homewrecker, Yeo Da Kyung, in the popular drama THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED. Although her role made the viewers frustrated, even to the point where some people dislike her.

In her latest interview reported by Soompi, Han So Hee also shared her opinion about the hate she received because of her role as Yeo Da Kyung.

1. Release the Weight, Yeo Da Kyung

Han So Hee mentioned that she felt attached to the character Yeo Da Kyung, which made her popular. She even admitted that she felt heavy-hearted after the drama ended.

"I still feel strange. My eyes get teary for no reason when talking to the writer and director on the phone. I wonder if I will be able to encounter a drama like this again in my life, so it's uncomfortable to let it go. Because we were given so much love, we were able to finish it positively," said Han So Hee.

2. Regarding Hate Comments

Regarding the hate she received, Han So Hee has a unique story. It's not just hate, but admiration is also received by the 26-year-old beautiful woman.

"Many people say that receiving hate comments for playing an evil character is a compliment. But because I am in a position where I have to understand Da Kyung, it doesn't feel pleasant. I consider it as focus and attention on the character. Compared to the audience, I receive more hate from friends and family, so that I don't live like that," she shared.

Stay strong, Han So Hee! We look forward to your next project!


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