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Becoming Friends in 'IT'S OKAY TO NOT BE OKAY', Kang Ki Doong Was Burdened by Kim Soo Hyun

Becoming Friends in 'IT'S OKAY TO NOT BE OKAY', Kang Ki Doong Was Burdened by Kim Soo Hyun Kim Soo Hyun - Kang Ki Doong © - tvN - Although the drama IT'S OKAY TO NOT BE OKAY has ended, fans are still curious about the news of the cast. Recently, Kang Ki Doong shared a message and his experience while acting in the drama.

As it is known, he played the role of Jo Jae Soo, the friend of Kim Soo Hyun in the drama. It turns out that not only in the drama, but they have also become friends in real life.

However, in his interview, Kang Ki Doong revealed that he was burdened by Kim Soo Hyun. What was the reason?

1. Feeling Burdened at First

When discussing their chemistry, Kang Ki Doong said that at first he felt burdened.

"At first, I felt burdened. Because before we worked on this drama, he was an actor, Kim Soo Hyun," he said.

"But now I can call him Kim Soo Hyun because he was born in 1988, so we are the same age. We are friends now," he added.

2. Real-Life Friendship

Although they felt burdened at first, they were able to show chemistry as close friends.

"Because Kim Soo Hyun is a Hallyu star, I thought there would be a distance when we met. I didn't show it, but I was nervous when I saw his acting. But Kim Soo Hyun made me comfortable by saying that we are the same age. And because his acting is very good, my job became easier. Being friends in real life made our filming easier," he concluded.

Wow, the acting of Kim Soo Hyun and Kang Ki Doong is really cohesive. I hope your friendship continues to grow!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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