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Behind The Scenes of Photoshoot in Bali, This is a Message from the Handsome Chanyeol EXO

Behind The Scenes of Photoshoot in Bali, This is a Message from the Handsome Chanyeol EXO Chanyeol EXO (credit: NNG) - Chanyeol EXO recently caused a stir among his fans in Indonesia. There was no news about him, and suddenly he was found to be in Bali. This news spread widely on social media after fans met him in Bali.

Only after Chanyeol returned, information about his activities in Bali was reported by Korean media. Chanyeol was said to be there for shooting an advertisement and photoshoot with the perfume brand Acqua di Parma.

And a few days ago, Chanyeol's photoshoot was finally revealed for which magazine. HIGH CUT released two magazine covers showcasing Chanyeol's handsomeness.

1. Chanyeol's Message

On Wednesday (25/3/2020), HIGH CUT finally released a behind-the-scenes video of EXO's main rapper. In the video, we can see Chanyeol posing with his handsome looks that make many women crazy.

At the end of the video, Chanyeol, with a smile on his face, delivered a short message. "Hello, I'm Chanyeol. I'm here in Bali with HIGH CUT and Acqua di Parma. Please wait for the April edition of HIGH CUT. Thank you," he said.

2. Can't Wait

Who can't wait to see Chanyeol's photoshoot results in Bali? Let's wait together, okay?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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