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10 Photos of IO the Dog Who Became a Korean Drama Actor, Loves to Lie Down and is Loved by His Co-Stars

10 Photos of IO the Dog Who Became a Korean Drama Actor, Loves to Lie Down and is Loved by His Co-Stars

Korean Drama

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10 Photos of IO the Dog Who Became a Korean Drama Actor, Loves to Lie Down and is Loved by His Co-Stars

IO is now known by many drama lovers in South Korea. Don't be surprised because he is a dog. But now he has many fans after acting in the drama Down The Flower Path or also known as Unasked Family. Let's get to know IO!


This is IO, who became a topic of discussion among Korean netizens because he was considered to have 'controversy' on the set of the drama Unasked Family, because he likes to sleep.


IO in the drama Unasked Family plays the role of a rich family's pet dog and is named Hwang Jenny. He is even considered the youngest child by the family who takes care of him. This is a photo of IO with a KBS nametag as a visitor.


IO with the script of the drama. Even though he doesn't have any dialogue at all and always lies down, sleeps, or is carried by his co-star while shooting a scene.

10 Photos of IO the Dog Who Became a Korean Drama Actor, Loves to Lie Down and is Loved by His Co-Stars

If you search for IO on a search engine, his photo and name will appear in the list of Unasked Family drama cast.


IO himself is very loved by his co-star on the shooting location. This is a photo of IO with two senior stars Kim Kyung Sook and Sun Woo Jae Duk, who play his 'parents' in the drama.


Actor Sun Woo Jae Duk, who is said to be very fond of IO, even wants to take care of him. This is a photo of the actor patting IO's chest to help him sleep soundly. So sweet!

10 Photos of IO the Dog Who Became a Korean Drama Actor, Loves to Lie Down and is Loved by His Co-Stars

IO when on location shooting. Oh, by the way, they say he only shoots once a week. But all his co-stars treat him well!


IO on location shooting. There is definitely time for sleeping. Oh yeah, recently, IO and his owner were featured on the Youtube channel SBS Farm and Animal.


According to his owner, IO was chosen as an actor because of his cute face and calmness. This is a photo of IO and his owner watching their drama. As usual, IO is lying down.

10 Photos of IO the Dog Who Became a Korean Drama Actor, Loves to Lie Down and is Loved by His Co-Stars

IO has a female sibling named Ppero (held by his owner). During the filming of this vlog, IO has been lying down and even sleeping several times. Truly cute! Who can resist?