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Conflict Between Ahn Seo Hyun and School 2020 Production Team, Rumored to be Asked to Leave - Father Demands Apology

Conflict Between Ahn Seo Hyun and School 2020 Production Team, Rumored to be Asked to Leave - Father Demands Apology Ahn Seo Hyun (credit: - School 2020 is one of the highly anticipated dramas by many people, because it is a school version of KBS's story that is always interesting to watch. K-Pop fans are also waiting because the main cast is Kim Yohan, a participant of Produce X 101 who used to be a member of X1.

A while ago, it was announced that the female lead would be the child actress who has now grown into a teenager, Ahn Seo Hyun. She was previously known as Suzy's sister in the drama Dream High and played the lead role in Bong Joon Ho's film, OKJA.

However, on Friday (20/2/2020), there was suddenly news that the female lead role in School 2020 was being offered to Kim Sae Ron. According to Allkpop, Ahn Seo Hyun herself has decided to withdraw.

1. Already Participated in Script Reading

One person mentioned that there is a reason behind Ahn Seo Hyun's withdrawal. Initially, School 2020 was supposed to be made into a four-part drama with a special format. But then the drama became a 16-episode series.

Ahn Seo Hyun herself reportedly still participated even though the drama format changed. She and Kim Yo Han have even attended script readings and had meetings with the director. Even their photos have been circulating.

2. Ahn Seo Hyun's Confession

Earlier this week, Ahn Seo Hyun gave a hint by uploading words of disappointment on Instagram. First, she wrote: "I am experiencing something worse than the corona virus now."

In another post, she wrote: "Why can't adults keep their promises?"

Lastly, Ahn Seo Hyun also wrote something about the drama School 2020. She said, "I have been waiting for School 2020 for 300 days."

3. Ahn Seo Hyun's Father Speaks Out

Ahn Seo Hyun's father finally speaks out about his daughter leaving School 2020 to media OSEN. He mentioned that his daughter was offered a role in School 2020 since May by director Han Sang Woo, and since then, she has declined other offers that came her way in order to focus on this project.

Interestingly, although she has been in regular communication with the School 2020 staff, Ahn Seo Hyun has not yet signed a formal contract for her appearance in the drama. "The production team changed three times last year. When I asked about the contract to the new team president, they just said, 'Later' and 'Wait'," said Seohyun's father.

4. Regarding Seo Hyun's Contract

Some time ago, Ahn Seo Hyun met director Han Sang Woo to review the revised script of the drama. But suddenly, someone claiming to be a new director of School 2020 appeared.

"The new director came to discuss the contract. But most of the contents were very different from what had been discussed before. I think they deliberately made a new contract so that we would say no. But we didn't refuse. Now, we feel that the production company is intentionally making it seem like we are the ones leaving the drama," said Seo Hyun's father.

5. Asked to Leave

Ahn Seo Hyun's father then said that the production company president sent a message asking them to leave the drama. That's when the previous director contacted Seo Hyun's father and asked why the actress withdrew.

"We hope that situations like this can be improved in the future. We don't want anything from this conflict. We just want a sincere apology," said Seo Hyun's father.

6. KBS's Response

What's even more sad is that Ahn Seo Hyun has already participated in uniform fitting, helped with the selection of supporting cast members, and so on. After it reached the media, KBS as the broadcasting station finally spoke up.

"Ahn Seo Hyun never signed a contract as the female lead in School 2020. Issues like this often occur during the pre-production stage of a drama," said KBS.

What do KLovers think? Is anyone already waiting for Ahn Seo Hyun's acting?



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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