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3 Actors with the Best North Korean Accent Who are Doubtful as South Koreans: D.O. EXO, Kim Soo Hyun, and Hyun Bin

3 Actors with the Best North Korean Accent Who are Doubtful as South Koreans: D.O. EXO, Kim Soo Hyun, and Hyun Bin D.O., Kim Soo Hyun, Hyun Bin (credit: Special) - Korean films or dramas have many fans everywhere. Because they have unique stories for various genres. One of the things that often becomes a story is the turmoil as a North Korean soldier related to South Korea.

Some time ago, Exciting DC conducted a poll: 'Who is the actor who can speak with the best North Korean accent and make you doubt if they are really South Koreans?'. The poll results are out and here are the top three winners!

1. D.O. EXO

D.O. EXO or also known by his real name Doh Kyungsoo became the winner of the poll with 58.2% of the total votes. D.O. played the role of Rho Ki Soo in the movie SWING KIDS, a North Korean soldier detained in Geoje Camp and starts to doubt his loyalty as a North Korean after falling in love with tap dance.

2. Kim Soo Hyun

In second place, there is Kim Soo Hyun with 25.8%. This actor, whose drama was highly anticipated, played the role of Woo Ryu Hwan, a special North Korean soldier sent as a spy to South Korea in the movie SECRETLY GREATLY. He then disguises himself as Bang Dong Gu, a man with mental disabilities, and lives with a group of mothers who consider him as their child.

3. Hyun Bin

Hyun Bin has recently captivated many people through his role in the drama Crash Landing on You. He received 15% of the votes and ranked third. In the drama, he plays a North Korean soldier named Ri Jung Hyuk who hides a South Korean woman and eventually falls in love with the beautiful Son Ye Jin.

4. Poll Results

Which one do KLovers like the most?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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