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Called as a Witness in the Burning Sun Case, Hyoyeon SNSD Speaks Up and Calms Fans

Called as a Witness in the Burning Sun Case, Hyoyeon SNSD Speaks Up and Calms Fans Hyoyeon SNSD © SM Entertainment - K-Pop fans were shocked by the news of Hyoyeon SNSD being involved in the Burning Sun scandal. Previously, it was reported that the first informant, Kim Sang Kyo, accused the SNSD member of using drugs when she was a DJ at the club.

Not long after, SM Entertainment made an official statement and stated that Hyoyeon had no connection to the case. Hyoyeon then spoke up through her Instagram account and gave a message to calm the fans.

1. Go Straight Home

Hyoyeon said that she did have a drink with her friends. However, it was just a toast to celebrate her performance.

"Come on, everyone calm down. You might think I've been quiet because I haven't been active, but actually I've been working hard. I did greet some people, had a drink with my friends who came to congratulate me and the staff. Because I felt happy, I had a pork belly dish with them, and went home!" she wrote.

2. Not Seeing Celebrities

Furthermore, Hyoyeon denied that she met any celebrities, "I thought I saw men and women getting drunk and being intimate with each other in clubs but I have never seen or heard of actors, actresses, cats, or dogs. I will tolerate you as a keyboard warrior only until today. I will punish you severely this time."

"I will delete this post tomorrow but not because I am afraid. Isn't that what they say? If you don't speak up, people will think you are obedient. So happy new year, everyone. May you have a long and healthy life," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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