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Chicco Jerikho Tests Positive for Covid-19, How is the Condition of His Wife and Child?

Chicco Jerikho Tests Positive for Covid-19, How is the Condition of His Wife and Child? Chicco Jerikho / Credit: KapanLagi - Budy Santoso - Chicco Jerikho adds to the list of Indonesian artists who have tested positive for covid-19. The news was announced by him through his verified Instagram account on Wednesday (13/1) yesterday.

Unfortunately, the husband of Putri Marino did not reveal the details of how he contracted covid-19. But one thing is for sure, he is grateful that his wife and child did not get infected with the rapidly spreading virus.

"Finally, I also got to know Covid. But thank God my wife and child are safe," Chicco wrote in the caption of his post.

1. Chicco Jerikho's Message to the Public

Based on his post, Chicco is suspected to have immediately undergone self-quarantine at home. The FOXTROT SIX film star also reminded fans not to underestimate covid-19 and to adhere to health protocols when engaging in activities outside the home.

"For those of you out there who haven't been affected, stay vigilant and follow the protocols so you don't get caught off guard like me. Never remove your mask unless you truly feel safe. Wash your hands as often as possible," Chicco continued.

Upon hearing the news, fans immediately flooded Chicco's comment section with words of encouragement and prayers. Several artists also did not forget to pray for Chicco's recovery, such as Ganindra Bimo, Reza Pahlevi, Marcell Darwin, Nazira C Noer, and many others.

2. #RememberMother'sMessage

The increasing number of positive Covid-19 cases in Indonesia proves that the coronavirus can still attack anyone, anytime. Discipline in adhering to health protocols is one way to protect oneself. #RememberMother'sMessage to regularly wash hands, wear masks, and maintain distance, KLovers!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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