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Filming 'IMPERFECT THE SERIES' During the Pandemic, Ernest Prakasa Opens Up about Crew Members Testing Positive for Covid-19

Filming 'IMPERFECT THE SERIES' During the Pandemic, Ernest Prakasa Opens Up about Crew Members Testing Positive for Covid-19 Ernest Prakasa © Herdianto - After being postponed for months due to the government's implementation of PSBB, the filming process of IMPERFECT THE SERIES was finally able to be carried out and completed approximately two months later. Ernest Prakasa, as the executive producer and scriptwriter of the series, revealed that filming during the pandemic was quite challenging.

First and foremost, he tried to implement health protocols on the filming location as best as possible. So that Naya Anindita as the director could focus on the creative process without being interrupted by external factors.

1. Puyeng Setengah Mati

"To be able to produce audiovisual products during the pandemic is quite challenging, especially for me as a creative producer. In terms of creativity, I try not to interrupt the director's work too much. I only try to provide a comfortable space for the director to work without worrying about things outside of it. I prepare a safe and comfortable working atmosphere, but it's really difficult," Ernest explained in a press conference via Zoom on Wednesday (13/1/2021).

2. PCR Randomly

During the shooting of this series starring Kiky Saputri, Aci Resti, Neneng Risma Wulandari, and Zsa Zsa Utari, swab antigen was not as popular as it is now. Because PCR test costs are quite expensive while rapid test results are not accurate, one crew member from each department is randomly selected every week to undergo PCR test.

"We have routine swabs. At that time, antigen swab was not very common, so the choice was between rapid test or PCR. Since rapid test results cannot be relied upon while PCR is too expensive, we bridged the gap by conducting periodic PCR tests but not for the entire crew. For example, we select one from the artistic department," Ernest said.

3. Crew Positive for Covid-19

One day, a crew member tested positive for the Covid-19 virus. As at that time PCR tests were only conducted randomly, once Ernest Prakasa found out about the positive case, he immediately requested funding from Chand Parwes, the producer, to conduct mass PCR testing.

"One day we encountered a crew member who tested positive from the production department. Since the positive result was obtained from a random test, whether we liked it or not, with a heavy heart, I proposed PCR testing for all crew members and actors. So that day, Starvision financed approximately 120 people. It was expensive and complicated," he said.

4. Remember Mother's Message!

Staying productive during a pandemic like Ernest and the crew can be a great example, KLovers. However, make sure to #RememberMother'sMessage. Wash your hands regularly, wear a mask, and don't forget to maintain social distancing!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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