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Official Disbandment of Kep1er Despite 7 Out of 9 Members Deciding to Extend Contract - Permanent Disbandment?

Official Disbandment of Kep1er Despite 7 Out of 9 Members Deciding to Extend Contract - Permanent Disbandment? Snapshot of Girl Group Kep1er Who Are Reported to Continue Their Contracts [Photo Credit:] - Written by Devie Vyatri Permata Cahyadi

According to a report from StarNews, Thursday (16/5/2024), 7 out of 9 members of Kep1er are reported to have agreed to extend their contracts and will continue their group activities. Meanwhile, the other 2 members, Kang Yeseo and Sakamoto Mashiro, will not renew their contracts.

This surprising news has received various responses from fans. Some fans regret the decision of the Kep1er members regarding this matter. Considering that for over 2 years, Kep1er themselves did not receive proper promotion and treatment from WakeOne Entertainment, the agency that oversees them. However, many fans expressed relief and happiness upon knowing that their favorite group will not disband.

Meanwhile, girl group Kep1er recently made a comeback with their full album 'KEP1GOING' on May 8, 2024.

What are your thoughts, KLovers? Let's find out more in the news!

1. Extension of Kep1er Contract Will Become History

For your information, Kep1er is a girl group from South Korea formed through an audition program called Girls Planet 99. If the news about the extension of Kep1er's contract is true, it will become history for some K-Pop groups that originated from survival shows. Examples include IZ*ONE, WannaOne, I.O.I, and X1, which were created through audition programs but failed to extend their contracts.

Kep1er officially debuted in the music industry in May 2022 and is scheduled to conclude all their activities in early July 2024. Therefore, Kep1er has an active period of 2 years and 6 months before the next contract extension.

2. Mashiro and Yeseo Reportedly Leaving

Coming from the same agency, 143 Entertainment, Kang Yeseo and Sakamoto Mashiro have agreed not to extend their contracts as members of Kep1er. Unlike the other 7 members who chose to continue their journey together, Yeseo and Mashiro chose to end their careers with Kep1er.

The departure of Yeseo and Mashiro is reportedly because they will return to their agency and join as additional members of a girl group named LIMELIGHT. LIMELIGHT group itself has already made their official debut on February 17, 2023, with a mini album titled LOVE & HAPPINESS.

3. Album 'KEP1GOING' Ends OT9 Promotional Period

Before Kep1er is scheduled to disband in early July. The 'KEP1GOING' album officially marks the final era for Xiaoting CS. 'KEP1GOING' is Kep1er's first full Japanese album released on May 8, 2024. It has a total of 10 songs in its tracklist, and the 'KEP1GOING' album is referred to as the peak of Kep1er's popularity.

Having a multitude of national and international fans, Kep1er is also included in the successful gen 4 girl group, KLovers. Starting their debut in 2022, Kep1er has a total of 7 albums throughout their career. However, unfortunately, the 'KEP1GOING' album will mark the end of Kep1er's promotional period with their complete formation.

Meanwhile, Yeseo and Mashiro are rumored to be leaving the group, and Kep1er is likely to undergo a reorganization with a 7-member formation for their future activities.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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