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Charlie Puth's Response to Being Accused of Clout Chasing by BTS Fans is Impressive

Charlie Puth's Response to Being Accused of Clout Chasing by BTS Fans is Impressive Charlie Puth © Instagram/charlieputh - BTS © Big Hit Entertainment - The name Charlie Puth is currently in the spotlight among K-Pop fans. He has recently been accused of clout chasing by ARMY, BTS fans, through the TikTok app.

The singer of Attention responded to these accusations on his personal Twitter account. He expressed his dissatisfaction with being considered as someone who only uses the fame of BTS. What did Charlie Puth's response look like?

1. Charlie Puth's Expression

In his Instagram, Charlie admitted that he is not used to responding to things like this.

"I usually don't think too much about things like this, but there is something that needs to be said. I am 28 years old, so it doesn't mean anything when some people I don't know write rude messages to me," he wrote.

2. Fans Apologize

Furthermore, Charlie admitted that he is worried that the harsh words will affect the psychology of children who are playing on social media. He asked fans who accused him to be kinder on social media.

"It may sound cliché, but please be better here. Don't scream for something that doesn't mean anything. It won't bring goodness to anyone. We just need to love each other now more than ever," he concluded.

Not long after, BTS fans as Twitter users apologized to the musician. Some said that the accusations came from TikTok users.

3. Once Duet with BTS

In 2018, Charlie Puth collaborated with BTS's Jungkook in a music event. At that time, they performed Charlie Puth's song titled We Don't Talk Anymore. From there, the two musicians began to build a friendship.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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