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V BTS Leaks a Sneak Peek of His Latest Song on Twitter: Release Coming Soon

V BTS Leaks a Sneak Peek of His Latest Song on Twitter: Release Coming Soon credit via Big Hit Entertainment - V BTS is causing a stir on Twitter again after a long time of not tweeting. Once again, the chosen time for posting was in the middle of the night when most fans were resting.

What's even more shocking is that V BTS's post contains a snippet of his latest song. Fans were surprised by the caption and hashtags used by V BTS. What does it look like?

1. V BTS: Listen Now Before I Delete It

In his latest tweet on the official BTS account, V explained how much he misses ARMY. However, what made fans rush to pay attention to the tweet was the caption written by V BTS.

"Today, I miss ARMY so much. Even though this song is not fully finished, I want to give a little sneak peek about the music I'm working on," said V.

2. V BTS Actually Deletes His Tweet

In addition to that tweet, V BTS also added in the caption that he might delete it. True enough, after 6 hours, the tweet that almost received 1 million likes was immediately deleted.

"Please be patient while listening to this song snippet until it's released in a little while. I might delete it tomorrow, so listen before I actually do it," concluded V BTS.

As known, besides being busy working on music for the upcoming BTS comeback, V is also busy completing his first mixtape.

Well, who has had the chance to listen to the sneak peek of V BTS' song?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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