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His Family is Crazy about Korea, Ernest Cokelat Gives Praise to Super Junior and BTS Producers

His Family is Crazy about Korea, Ernest Cokelat Gives Praise to Super Junior and BTS Producers Ernest Cokelat © - Muhammad Akrom Sukarya - Filling their time at home, Nirina Zubir and Ernest Cokelat share their latest news. They were interviewed at Studio 41, South Jakarta, on Wednesday (24/6/2020).

Nirina said that she and her children are currently into everything related to Korea. When asked whether she prefers Korean or Indonesian guys, she chooses local guys.

"Because my taste is local. Sweet and black, sweet and black," Nirina said.

"She said she prefers music, so I told her to listen to this song. How did it become popular? It means we need to study the creator or producer. I once went to Korea and visited SM Entertainment, went inside and heard a story about a group of artists who have been training for 3 years but haven't debuted yet," Ernest added.



1. Admiration for Nirina

Nirina also added that she greatly admires the trainees of SM Entertainment. This is because they have shown the abilities of an Idol ready to debut.

"When we came, we saw their new artists. Their dance was synchronized, cool expressions, and everything was cool. They have trained for 3 years but will debut in 1 more year. No wonder they were already amazing when they debuted. Their commitment to becoming good artists, even though they are not yet artists, their commitment to training," said Nirina.

2. Praise from Ernest Cokelat

Furthermore, Ernest also praised the music producers of South Korea. The member of the band Cokelat also said that these producers were also instrumental in bringing the Korean fever to success.

"I think the producers are amazing. From the era of Super Junior to BTS, there's always something special, but the songwriters and producers deserve a thumbs up. Because they are the ones who have brought this Korean fever to the whole world. How did they do it? English, with its high musical ideals, BTS performed a full concert at Wembley. They are truly loved. No need to be hated, but must be learned from. It's cool," praised Ernest.

"Learned and can be learned in our country. The support system must also come from the country itself. Their commitment is amazing. They endure pain, broken legs, and still remain strong even after being injected with pain killers. It's extraordinary," added Nirina.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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