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Chen EXO's Wife Reported to Have Given Birth to Their First Child Today

Chen EXO's Wife Reported to Have Given Birth to Their First Child Today Chen EXO © TPG Images - Good news comes from Chen EXO and his wife, who are reported to have given birth today, Wednesday (29/4/2020). According to exclusive news from Financial News, Chen's wife gave birth to a baby girl at Marie OB/GYN maternity clinic located in Cheongdam-dong, Seoul today.

Although the news of Chen EXO's child's birth has been widely discussed, SM Entertainment has not made any statement yet.

1. UPDATE: SM Entertainment Provides Confirmation

SM Entertainment has confirmed the news about Chen from EXO. The agency revealed that it is true that Chen's first child was born today, and it is a baby girl.

Congratulations to Chen and his wife on the birth of their first child!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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