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V and Suga BTS Both Want to Stop This Habit, What Is It?

V and Suga BTS Both Want to Stop This Habit, What Is It? V & Suga BTS © BTS Official Facebook - Everyone tries to stop habits that are considered bad, including the members of BTS. Apparently, currently Suga and V are struggling to stop the same habit.

On Saturday (4/25), Suga held a question and answer session called "AskShoopD" on Twitter and answered various questions from fans. These questions include why Suga is not in a photo with BTS and Ariana Grande, things he is afraid of, his hobbies, and more.

1. Biting Fingernails

One fan asked if Suga has any habits he wants to stop. "I like biting my nails," Suga said, as quoted by Koreaboo on Tuesday (28/4).

According to Suga, stopping a habit is something difficult to do. He admitted that he has tried various ways to quit his bad habit of biting his nails.

"It's a habit, like you said. So, it's not easy to stop. I've tried using ointment too, but my struggle is not over," he continued.

2. The Same Habit

Turns out, V also wants to quit biting his fingernails like Suga. On Monday (20/4), a fan left a comment for V on Weverse, "Oppa, I have a habit of biting my nails. How can I stop?"

In response to that question, V revealed that he also likes biting his fingernails. He even asked other fans for ways to quit that habit. Do KLovers know how to stop biting nails?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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