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Chosen as the Actress with the Worst Manner in Film 2022, Are These the Reasons Why Kim Tae Ri Is Criticized by Reporters and Netizens?

Chosen as the Actress with the Worst Manner in Film 2022, Are These the Reasons Why Kim Tae Ri Is Criticized by Reporters and Netizens?

Korean Drama

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Chosen as the Actress with the Worst Manner in Film 2022, Are These the Reasons Why Kim Tae Ri Is Criticized by Reporters and Netizens?

Media Sports Kyunghyang invited reporters in the film industry to choose the worst film and actor/actress with the worst manner. Ma Dong Seok received the most votes for the actor with the worst manner. In second place is Kim Tae Ri.

Netizens then tried to uncover the reasons that might make Kim Tae Ri considered disrespectful by reporters. Well, here are their thoughts!


The reason Kim Tae Ri was chosen as disrespectful by film reporters is because she scribbles during interviews, as if not appreciating the interviewer.


Kim Tae Ri is also said to have a free spirit like her character in the drama TWENTY FIVE TWENTY ONE, Na Hee Do. Reporters say that having a free spirit is just an excuse for Kim Tae Ri to cover up the fact that she is unprofessional and inattentive during interviews.

Chosen as the Actress with the Worst Manner in Film 2022, Are These the Reasons Why Kim Tae Ri Is Criticized by Reporters and Netizens?

Meanwhile, a YouTuber made a list of reasons why Kim Tae Ri could be considered rude, based on her past interviews.


Kim Tae Ri once mentioned that she ended a friendship with her elementary school friend because the friend didn't want to play with anyone else besides her. She spread rumors about that friend. But Kim Tae Ri said that she and her friend are still on good terms until now. In fact, she said her friend depends on her a lot because the actress 'trains' her to be that way.


Kim Tae Ri also received attention when she mentioned that she once stole a director's watch. The reason is because she likes to steal things and apparently the director still doesn't know until now.


Kim Tae Ri is also considered not humble because she once said that after the success of the film THE HANDMAIDEN and the drama MR SUNSHINE, she would be afraid to leave the house because she expects many people to surround her due to her popularity.

Chosen as the Actress with the Worst Manner in Film 2022, Are These the Reasons Why Kim Tae Ri Is Criticized by Reporters and Netizens?

Kim Tae Ri also feels that she doesn't need to hide anything and just be herself. She also claims that it's difficult to find someone who doesn't like her.


Some netizens say that Kim Tae Ri's character is honest, straightforward, and sarcastic. These traits are what made the reporter angry at her. What do KLovers think?