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Comparison Photos of Minho SHINee Before and After Changing His Eyebrows Shape, Still Handsome No Matter What

Comparison Photos of Minho SHINee Before and After Changing His Eyebrows Shape, Still Handsome No Matter What

Korean Drama

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Comparison Photos of Minho SHINee Before and After Changing His Eyebrows Shape, Still Handsome No Matter What

Minho SHINee has just made a comeback with his group through the song Don't Call Me. Besides looking more handsome and cool, fans quickly realized that there was something different about Minho's appearance this time. The difference lies in his eyebrows shape. Fans immediately noticed that SHINee's makeup artist made a change in their idol's appearance. Do you realize the difference?

Comparison Photos of Minho SHINee Before and After Changing His Eyebrows Shape, Still Handsome No Matter What

Okay, so in this gallery. On the left side is Minho's old appearance with his eyebrows slightly forming a triangle at the end. On the right side, Minho with straight eyebrows, slightly arched.

Comparison Photos of Minho SHINee Before and After Changing His Eyebrows Shape, Still Handsome No Matter What

With this, the difference is clearly visible. With the old eyebrows shape, Minho's face looks more serious, now it looks more friendly.


But no matter what shape, Minho is still handsome. Because basically he has a stunning visual.

Comparison Photos of Minho SHINee Before and After Changing His Eyebrows Shape, Still Handsome No Matter What

With the current eyebrow style, when he smiles, he looks so sweet. But naturally, he is already sweet.

Comparison Photos of Minho SHINee Before and After Changing His Eyebrows Shape, Still Handsome No Matter What

If you notice, the current eyebrow style looks thinner. So it makes his handsome face look softer even though his expression is serious.

Comparison Photos of Minho SHINee Before and After Changing His Eyebrows Shape, Still Handsome No Matter What

Well, the point is, no matter what eyebrow style you have, if you're handsome, you will always be captivating.