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Confession of Corona Jaejoong JYJ Turns Out to be an April Fool's Joke, Says Ready to Be Punished for His Post

Confession of Corona Jaejoong JYJ Turns Out to be an April Fool's Joke, Says Ready to Be Punished for His Post Jaejoong JYJ © Instagram jj_1986_jj - Jaejoong JYJ made fans worried when he claimed to have been infected with Corona. However, it turns out that the idol was only joking for April Fool's Day.

He then changed the caption on his Instagram:

"Having someone you love or someone precious to you infected with this virus? It feels really sad. However, even so, there are still many people who continue to go out on the streets, behaving like that won't infect them: many people are worried that their families and loved ones might get sick because of people like that.

You're wrong if you think you and the people around you won't get infected. Many acquaintances and my staff have seen their loved ones get infected. This is not a made-up story. We won't be able to stop our tears if we really get infected. Let's continue to stay vigilant.

For the sake of an April Fool's joke, this is really out of control, but many people are worried about me. This (Corona) can really get to you! I want to say that protecting yourself is the solution to protecting others as well. I willingly accept punishment for this post. I hope you all stay healthy!," wrote Jaejoong.


1. Caption Changed and Claimed Corona

2. Claimed Corona Caption

Here is the message written directly by Jaejoong on his Instagram when he claimed to have contracted Corona:

"I am infected with the Covid-19 virus.
I feel less attentive to government recommendations.
I didn't realize how significant the impact of each individual's behavior on society is.
I apologize to anyone who has been infected because of me.

Like a fool when I thought this couldn't happen to me.
That's what finally made me like this.
I am currently being treated in the hospital.
I remember so many past moments, and I feel grateful and guilty at the same time.

There are so many things I want to tell...
There are so many people I want to meet right now..."


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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