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Differences Between Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Chopsticks: Some are Used for Poison Detection

Differences Between Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Chopsticks: Some are Used for Poison Detection Differences Between Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Chopsticks © - Chopsticks are one of the cultures that can be found in Eastern people. Chopsticks are considered the same and universal in every Asian country. Unlike Westerners who prefer to use forks and spoons when they eat.

However, there are differences in the shape, length, and material of chopsticks in each country, especially the three countries that will be discussed this time, namely Korea, Japan, and China. What are they like?

1. Chinese Chopsticks

Chopsticks used by Chinese people generally have long chopsticks made of smoothed wood (although now hard plastic chopsticks are also found). Most of the chopsticks have a square shape at the top and round at the bottom.

Like chopsticks in general, the purpose of making this shape is to be used for certain foods. Chinese cuisine is usually oily and made with lots of sauce. The presentation is also done in a family style. This is what makes long chopsticks ideal for reaching distant dishes, sharing, and the shape at the top and base of the chopsticks makes it easier to hold oily and soupy foods. China has been using chopsticks for the longest time, around 3000 years ago.

2. Japanese Chopsticks

Well, unlike Chinese chopsticks, the use of chopsticks in Japan began about 400 years ago. The shape of the chopsticks is the shortest compared to China and Korea. However, the material used is the same as China, which is made of wood.

But another difference is the thin shape, making it ideal for various types of noodles. Japan also does not share dishes. They prefer more personal food, so the chopsticks they make are also adjusted accordingly.

3. Korean Chopsticks

So what about Korean chopsticks? Korean chopsticks are not like long Chinese chopsticks or short Japanese chopsticks. Korean chopsticks are made of metal and have a flat shape.

Do you know why Koreans started using metal chopsticks? Metal chopsticks make less rice stick to the metal compared to wood. This makes it look cleaner when eating than using wooden chopsticks.

In addition, durability and environmental friendliness are also considerations for continuing to use metal chopsticks. This is also proven by the many metal chopsticks that have survived since ancient Korea and have become antiques. Unfortunately, they cannot be displayed in museums due to their large numbers.

4. Metal Chopsticks Can Detect Poison

As quoted from, metal is also believed to be able to detect poison in food. The history begins with the Baekje kingdom using silverware that would change color when in contact with any poison in food because silver is very sensitive when exposed to arsenic sulfide.

Although the exact history of the use of metal chopsticks cannot be confirmed. But what is certain is that Korea started using chopsticks about 1800 years ago. Now, do you know the difference between Korean, Japanese, and Chinese chopsticks?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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