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E.L.F as Fandom of The Month KapanLagi Korea May 2020 and Here Are the Giveaway Winners!

E.L.F as Fandom of The Month KapanLagi Korea May 2020 and Here Are the Giveaway Winners! KapanLagi Korea - Like the previous months, the voting for Fandom of The Month KapanLagi Korea continues. Fans from various fandoms compete in voting to show support for their idols.

Ending in May, E.L.F fans of Super Junior have proven their solidarity and won the title of Fandom of The Month KapanLagi Korea May 2020.

As a reward for E.L.F, KapanLagi displays Super Junior's photo on the website. All KapanLagi Korea's social media accounts have also changed to our beloved boyband. Check out the exclusive Super Junior page here.

1. Giveaway Winner

Out of thousands of people who voted, there was one lucky fan who won the giveaway. Congratulations to Nurul Auliani Andari for winning the official merchandise!

The KapanLagi Korea team will directly contact the winner. Please note that this giveaway does not require any fees, so be careful of scams.

2. Join the E.L.F Community

KapanLagi Korea also has an online community with thousands of fans, including E.L.F. In this Whatsapp group, you can meet many other Super Junior fans and fangirl/fanboy together.

To join, register yourself here. Write which fandom community you want to join, the admin will invite you to the KapanLagi Korea Community group after the data verification process.

Once again, congratulations to E.L.F as the Fandom of The Month for KapanLagi Korea May 2020~


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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