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Explanation of the Post Credit Scene in the Drama MOVING 2023, Next Season Highly Anticipated

Explanation of the Post Credit Scene in the Drama MOVING 2023, Next Season Highly Anticipated Explanation of the Post Credit Scene in the Drama MOVING 2023 (credit: Disney+ Hotstar) - Post credit scenes are usually found in Hollywood films and rarely seen in Korean dramas. However, there are some Korean dramas with post credit scenes. Like the post credit scene in the drama MOVING 2023.

The post credit scene itself is a scene that appears after the film or series and drama credits roll. Of course, this post credit scene is highly anticipated by Hollywood film viewers in theaters. And it is a surprising moment for drama viewers.

This is because it indicates that the drama is not yet finished or has a next season. So, it's no wonder that when the drama MOVING finishes and the post credit scene appears, it brings a new excitement for the viewers, as there is a possibility that this drama will continue to season two.

For those of you who are curious about the post credit scene in the drama MOVING 2023. Here's an explanation of the post credit scene in the drama MOVING 2023, until the next season is highly anticipated. Let's check it out, KLovers.

1. Has a Duration of 3 Minutes

There are various durations presented in a post-credit scene. Well, in the post-credit scene of the drama MOVING 2023, we will be presented with a post-credit scene lasting 3 minutes. In this 3-minute scene, we will be shown 3 important facts that will later become the path to the next season of the drama MOVING.

2. Facts about the Cast in the Post-Credit Scene of Drama MOVING

Well, in the post-credit scene of the drama MOVING 2023, we are presented with three important moments that could be clues to continue the next season of the drama MOVING. In this first fact, we are given an early glimpse of the character Ma Sang Gu played by Park Byung Eun, who will replace Director Min Yong Jun played by Moon Sung Geun.

Then, in the next moment, we are shown that Frank has superpowers to heal himself, just like Ju Won. So, we can know that Frank is still alive. In this scene, Frank is also seen coming to a club in Las Vegas, where his mother used to work as a singer. In this story, we know that Frank was taken forcibly by the United States government for the superhuman program in that country.

3. New Character Appears

Of course, what makes the audience more convinced that the drama MOVING will have a second season is, in the post-credit scene of the drama MOVING 2023, we are shown a new character named Elias. In this post-credit scene of the drama MOVING 2023, an FBI member disguised as a staff at the United States Embassy in South Korea named Mark reports that Frank has disappeared in an archive. He then asks a staff member to assign Elias, another superhuman. In the archive held by Mark, it is revealed that Elias is also a cleaner or a super agent killer who is tasked with erasing the traces of other superhumans, just like Frank. However, in this scene, we do not yet know Elias' face.

4. Not in the Webtoon Version

It turns out, the post-credit scene of the drama MOVING 2023 is not included in the storyline of the Webtoon, KLovers. Therefore, this post-credit scene becomes a surprising and happy news for the viewers. It's no wonder that the drama MOVING not only provides a cool storyline with various plot twists.

However, the ending of the drama MOVING actually received a lot of praise from the viewers. It's not surprising that the post-credit scene in this drama was positively received by the audience. In the post-credit scene, we are shown how Frank is still alive and there is a new character named Elias, with the same powers as Frank.

So, in the Webtoon version, the drama MOVING only shows the scene of Kim Bong Seok, as Yellow Man, who helps many people from the burning building. Then we will be introduced to the character of Kim Doo Sik, who is still detained in North Korea. Of course, KLovers have to wait to find out the next story of this drama MOVING.

And those are some explanations of the post-credit scene of the drama MOVING 2023 that surprised the viewers and received a lot of positive responses. And the next season is highly anticipated.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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