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Far From Gossip, Suga BTS Reveals the Reason Why He is Rarely Approached by Women

Far From Gossip, Suga BTS Reveals the Reason Why He is Rarely Approached by Women Suga BTS © Big Hit Entertainment - The latest news about BTS is always awaited by fans. Especially the BTS members who are rarely involved in dating rumors. However, some netizens must be curious about their ideal type of woman.

Through a radio broadcast, the host asked about the members' busy schedules and personal lives. When discussing their distinctive characteristics, Suga revealed a surprising fact about why he is rarely approached by women.


1. Not Wanting to be Alone

According to Soompi, the radio host said that BTS' Suga has small and feminine feet. Suga admitted that his feet are rarely possessed by men. He hopes that his feet shouldn't be small and pale. This genuine idol, Min Yoongi, also feels that his feet are too feminine. This is also the reason why he doesn't want to wear shorts during album photoshoots.

Suga also added that his feet could be the reason why no female idols approach him. This is because the female idol could compare their feet to his. The members and the host teased him and said that it's not just that reason why Suga is rarely approached by women.

2. Suga's Ideal Type of Woman

Although rarely involved in dating rumors with women, Suga has also shared his ideal type of woman. According to Channel Korea, he admitted that he prefers younger women. However, he doesn't rule out the possibility of liking older women, as he is also interested in mature women.

Suga also likes women who look good in any clothes. But he prefers a woman who looks good wearing plain and simple t-shirts. In terms of personality, he is attracted to women who can act mature and also like hip-hop and rap music. This idol born in 1993 is also interested in understanding and understanding women.

So, those are some interesting facts about BTS' Suga. So, are you his ideal type of woman?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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