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First Meeting, Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun Hug Immediately

First Meeting, Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun Hug Immediately Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun (credit: SBS) - Soon we will all be able to watch the drama The King: Eternal Monarch starring Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun with the script written by Kim Eun Sook. The production house has released several stills that make us excited to watch.

The King: Eternal Monarch is a romantic fantasy genre. It tells the story of two parallel worlds. South Korea is a kingdom in one parallel and a democracy in the other.

Lee Min Ho plays the character of Emperor Lee Gon in the royal version of Korea. Kim Go Eun plays a detective named Jung Tae Eul in the democratic version of Korea. But they eventually work together to overcome the crisis.

1. First Encounter Scene

The latest stills from The King: Eternal Monarch were released on Friday (27/3/2020). These photos show the first encounter between Lee Gon and Jung Tae Eul.

Lee Gon suddenly appears in the middle of the city riding a white horse, surprising many people. He suddenly runs and pulls Jung Tae Eul to hug him. Lee Gon hugs Jung Tae Eul tightly as if he has missed her so much.

2. Can Speak Through Eyes

"Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun, who are experts in romance, are able to show various emotions and words just through their eyes. Please anticipate the extraordinary potential of Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun, who are the main stars working for the second time with writer Kim Eun Sook," said a source from Hwa&Dam as quoted from Soompi.

The King: Eternal Monarch will start airing next April on SBS. This drama will replace Hyena.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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