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Getting to Know slchld, the RnB Musician from Korea who Radiates a Very Gen Z Aura in Every Song

Getting to Know slchld, the RnB Musician from Korea who Radiates a Very Gen Z Aura in Every Song - Written by Angelia Leony Van Augista

When it comes to RnB music, there's no end to it. RnB itself is an abbreviation of Rhythm and Blues, which combines jazz, gospel, and blues. RnB music focuses more on expressive vocals and relaxed yet emotional lyrics. This genre of music tends to prioritize melodic improvisation, especially the vocals of singers with progressive harmonization. This genre of music has now become one of the most popular genres of music worldwide.

Now, if you're a fan of RnB music, you must know this musician. slchld (pronounced "Seoul child") is also an RnB Soul/K-RnB musician.

Curious about his music? Let's take a look at some information below!

1. South Korean Musician

slchld or pronounced "Seoul child" has the real name 장두혁 (Jang Du Hyuk). Born in 1996, this man is a musician and producer who was born in Seoul, South Korea and now continues his music career in Vancouver, Canada. He made his debut in June 2018 with his first single titled "as long as you're okay." A month later, he released his first album titled "troubles."

2. The Gen Z Way of Writing Song Titles!

In the Gen Z world, there is something called "typing ganteng" which only uses lowercase in all its typing. Well, this "typing ganteng" also creates a certain impression for Gen Z. By applying this "typing ganteng," you will look more aesthetic and cool. slchld also applies this "typing ganteng" in naming the album and its songs, KLovers. Isn't it very Gen Z?

3. Catchy and Easy Listening Songs

Not inferior to other RnB musicians, all of slchld's songs can be said to be very pleasant to the ears because of their catchy tempo and lyrics. One of his songs is 'you won't be there for me', which ranks first in slchld's most popular songs with a total of 38 million streams on Spotify. Here are the top 5 most listened to slchld songs on Spotify.

1. 'you won't be there for me'
2. 'she likes spring, I prefer winter'
3. 'maybe we need a break'
4. 'Good Care' (HYBS, slchld, asiatic.wav)
5. camellia

4. From Graphic Designer to Musician

According to K-Profiles, slchld used to be a graphic designer. Considering his previous job, he even made the album cover designs himself, KLovers. Isn't he multi-talented?

5. Latest Single- still here

His latest single titled still here was released in 2023. This song tells about the confusion in a relationship or friendship that is in a bad state. Curious about the song? You can listen to it here, KLovers!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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