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Han Ji Eun and Hanhae Break Up After Almost 2 Years of Dating, Forced into Long-Distance Relationship Due to Military Service

Han Ji Eun and Hanhae Break Up After Almost 2 Years of Dating, Forced into Long-Distance Relationship Due to Military Service Hanhae - Han Ji Eun (credit: special) - After Ryeowook and Ari TAHITI announced their dating status, there is also some unfortunate news coming from the South Korean entertainment industry. On Tuesday (29/0/2020), various entertainment industry sources reported that Hanhae and Han Ji Eun recently ended their relationship.

For your information, this celebrity couple has been dating for quite a long time, almost 2 years. Hanhae and Han Ji Eun only announced their relationship to the public in August 2019, but they have been dating since December 2018.


1. Confirmation from the Agency

The news of Hanhae and Han Ji Eun's breakup has been confirmed by both celebrities' agencies. However, the exact reason why they decided to end their romantic relationship is unknown.

"It is true that Han Ji Eun and Hanhae have broken up. We cannot confirm the reason for the separation as it is a personal matter," said Han Ji Eun's agency, HB Entertainment, as reported by Soompi.

Meanwhile, Hanhae's agency, Brand New Music, stated, "It is difficult for us to confirm (this news) as it is a personal matter."

2. Long Distance Relationship

Before this breakup news emerged, it was known that Hanhae and Han Ji Eun were in a long-distance relationship (LDR). This is because Hanhae started his military service on February 7, 2019, and served as a mandatory police officer.

On the other hand, Han Ji Eun recently starred in the MBC drama KKONDAE INTERN and is currently looking for her next project.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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