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Having a Special Call, Choi Siwon Shares His Portrait with His Nephew

Having a Special Call, Choi Siwon Shares His Portrait with His Nephew Choi Siwon © Instagram/siwonchoi - A Choi Siwon is known as a perfect figure for fans. Not only having a charming and captivating talent, he is also known as a loving uncle.

This can be seen from the post he uploaded recently. In the photo, he is seen holding an adorable little girl who is his niece.

Both of them look close and full of laughter. This immediately invited admiration from fans. What does the portrait of Siwon with his nephew look like?

1. Having a Special Nickname

In his upload, Siwon is seen joking with his nephew. He imitates the sound of a pig, which successfully brings laughter to his nephew.

"Uncle piggy is back," Siwon writes in his post.

2. Netizens' Reactions

This has garnered many adorable reactions from netizens. They say that Siwon is an idol with a complete package.

"He's handsome, cool, adorable, he has it all," says one netizen who received more than 5 thousand likes.

Well, what do you think?


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