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His First Album Will Soon Be Released, Here Are Some Facts About Key SHINee You Need to Know

His First Album Will Soon Be Released, Here Are Some Facts About Key SHINee You Need to Know Key SHINee ( Credit: Twitter/SHINee) - Good news for SHAWOL (the name for fans of the boy group SHINee). One of their idol members, Key SHINee, has confirmed that he will release his first solo mini album soon. This is supported by confirmation from the agency of SHINee, SM Entertainment.

The social media account of SHINee has also recently revealed the poster of Key SHINee's album. In the poster, a pink alien with a futuristic look can be seen. This also represents the songs included in his solo mini album.

Key, whose real name is Kim Kibum, has been a member of SHINee since 2008. He and the other three members of SHINee have had a successful career together and received numerous awards. Before we welcome his latest mini album, which is planned to be released at the end of this month, let's take a look at some unique facts about Key SHINee!


1. Key Releases New Song Before Finally Confirming the Release of His Mini Album

Last Monday, Key SHINee just released a pre-release song titled Hate That. This song aims to ignite the enthusiasm of K-Pop music fans towards Key SHINee's solo mini album.

In this new song, Key SHINee is not singing alone. He collaborated with Taeyeon Girl's Generation, who is a fellow artist from the same agency, SM Entertainment. They both have an interesting harmony in terms of vocals and acting in this single's music video.

2. His New Song Marks His Comeback After Approximately 2 Years and 6 Months

The song Hate That, which was released just a week ago, also marks his comeback as a soloist after approximately two years and six months. This has been a long-awaited moment for Key SHINee fans who have been anticipating his solo performance.

SHINee first debuted as a soloist in November 2018. He released a single titled Forever Yours. In this single, he also collaborated with Soyou Sistar. He then released his debut solo album titled FACE with the song "One of Those Nights" featuring Crush as the album's main single.

3. In addition to releasing songs and a mini album, Key is also holding his first online concert

Key SHINee is reportedly going to hold his first online concert, which will also take place this month. The concert is said to be held one day before the release of his solo mini album on September 26, 2021. The concert will be held by Key SHINee with the title Beyond LIVE-Key: 'GROKS IN THE KEYLAND'.

This concert is planned to be broadcasted live worldwide. Key SHINee is also rumored to perform songs that will be included in his solo mini album. Ticket sales for this online concert have been opened since September 1st through V Live.


4. The Unique and Different Theme of the Upcoming Solo Mini Album

Not only from the recently released song a week ago, the attraction of Key SHINee's mini album also lies in the theme he brings to his solo mini album. The album titled BAD LOVE has a pseudo-horror concept.

This is evidenced by the album poster uploaded by all social media accounts of SHINee. In the poster, there is a pink monster that becomes the highlight. This indicates that the first mini album Key, BAD LOVE, seems to imply a pseudo-horror concept with a fun and unique atmosphere.


5. Newly Released Song 'Hate That' Depicts the Expression of Parting Sadness

The song Hate That recently released by Key SHINee has a deep meaning, which is about the emotional expression of sadness displayed by Key SHINee and Tayeon Girl's Generation in the Music Video. They truly embody the sadness they want to portray in the song.

This song is also considered unique and different. This is because Key SHINee chose to perform the RnB genre with a melodious rhythm accompanied by sentimental guitar. The song is also quite successful after its release. In addition to topping the iTunes chart, the Music Video has also reached 3.5 million views after a week of release.

Those are some facts about Key who is rumored to be releasing his first mini album at the end of this month. KLovers, are you waiting for the release of the mini album and online concert by Key SHINee?

Written by: Muhammad Ancah






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