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Often Paired with Jungkook, V BTS Gives a Sharp Answer to Fans

Often Paired with Jungkook, V BTS Gives a Sharp Answer to Fans credit: - In the world of K-Pop, there is a culture of 'shipping' that seems to be familiar among fans. The term refers to the habit of pairing two favorite idols as if they were a couple or lovers.

Although sometimes it's just a joke, there are also many who do it excessively. Due to this unrealistic fantasy, the shippers or those who do the shipping like to create hyperbolic narratives, especially if there are photos of the two favorite idols together.

Usually, shipping is only a conversation among fans, but if it becomes a frequent topic, it is not impossible for the idols themselves to know about it. This is what happened with V BTS. He is often paired with Jungkook BTS, and the shippers of both often refer to themselves as Taekook.

1. Provocative Response from BTS V

In mainstream social media, such as Twitter, where it is the most active platform for BTS members to interact with fans and colleagues, BTS rarely responds or addresses issues that they deem less important. Especially when the account is managed together or one account is used collectively.

However, in Weverse, a special platform created by HYBE, each BTS member has their own account. This was actually utilized by one fan to express their fantasy as a Taekooker.

This incident started when V BTS asked fans on Weverse, "I want to sleep earlier, do you have any good suggestions for me?"

One fan then answered, "Oppa, you can look at a photo of Jungkook that you like so much."

Unexpectedly, V BTS responded with a provocative answer, "Get out of your imagination now, it's not good to stay there for too long."

2. Majority Fan Support

Apparently V BTS's sharp response earlier was enough to stir up the fans. Interestingly, most fans actually support the actions taken by V BTS.

Most BTS fans agree that what they find funny or interesting to talk about may not necessarily make the K-Pop idol feel comfortable. What do you think, KLovers?



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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